24 Hour Worry Challenge
Can I get an “AMEN?!”
Every time we worry our body responds by releasing cortisol. Increased cortisol levels interrupt our sleep, contribute to depression, compromise our immune system, and make us susceptible to debilitating diseases. Worry is stealing our present and our future!
Still we worry.
Worrying never produces solutions to real problems. Most of what we worry about never happens.
Still we worry.
Worry decreases our ability to problem solve, create, and connect with others. Every moment we worry about the future causes us to miss out on today.
What if today we said “No” to worry? If we decided to focus our thoughts on what’s real and right in front of us instead of an imagined fear-filled future.
Challenge yourself to say “NO” to worry for 24 hours. Every time you find yourself being hijacked into the future, use your breath to refocus on the present. (There’s a lot less to worry about in the present.)
I’ve been using a free app called Oak with three guided breathing exercises: one for deep calm, one to heighten performance and concentration, and one for energy and alertness.
What’s one way you deal with your worry thoughts? #wildandbrave and #present