3 Types of Confidence To Bring Your Vision to Life

Wild + Brave Coach. Ghostwriter. Author of Think Wild.

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Hi everyone! Since the rain storm here in New Orleans is making my WiFi connection pretty weak, I'm sharing the content from today's Facebook Live coaching here! I'll switch locations and try to hop back on, but for now, here are the 3 types of confidence we need to bring any idea or vision to life!

...Facebook Live Transcript...

I’m so happy to have you with me here in New Orleans! I’m at a fabulous coffee shop that has given me refuge from a crazy rainstorm outside, and so excited to talk with you about Confidence.

Now, remember - this is Live Coaching Time. It’s YOUR time. I’m going to guide our discussion and ask some questions. But today we focus on you! So remember to join in by commenting, so we can hear your thoughts, questions, and answers as we go today!

So, today we’re talking about confidence. If you would like to be a consistently confident person, give me a thumbs up, or throw a “yes” in the comments to let me know. Since this is coaching time, I’d love to hear from you. What does confidence give you? When you’re confident, what happens? What becomes possible?

Keep adding in your comments about what confidence gives you, while I share my answer...I want to hear from everyone on today!

I’ve found that when I’m Confident, I’m more grounded. I reflect more. I’m actually more patient with other people, and a whole lot less reactive.

So, how about you guys?

Okay so, the topic today is: 3 Kinds of Confidence We Need to reach any vision or make anything happen:

Confidence in the IDEA.

Sometimes I talk about this as SOLO CONFIDENCE. This kind of confidence is something that has been VERY important for me right now, because I’ve just embarked on a special endeavor. An uncommon way of going about my work as a coach and a writer. I’m in New Orleans right now, on the first leg of my 2 month road trip to finish writing a book, and see 30 National Parks for my 30th Birthday. A 2-month road trip isn’t something that someone else is going to tell me to do. The idea originated with me, and will require me to invest my own startup confidence in order to get the ball rolling. This is not the phase to expect other people to tell me whether my idea is going to work or not. This has been the phase of thoroughly developing an executable idea and preparing myself to follow through on bringing it to life.

So who else is out there in the IDEA phase. The part where you see the vision, but you haven’t put it into practice enough yet for other people to see how it’s actually going to work?

If you have the vision for something, you need to remember that the start-up energy for your journey is going to need to come from YOU. The initial confidence needs to be YOURS.

So, how do you generate “Startup Confidence?” the first step is always getting quiet with yourself, and genuinely thinking about your idea, endeavor, project, or decision. Your relationship with yourself, and your ability to know your own mind is the golden key for startup confidence.

Confidence in the RESULT.

Okay, so next is confidence in the result. Sometimes I think of this is SHARED CONFIDENCE. In the business world, I’ve been hearing people talk about this kind of confidence as “social proof.” It’s the strategy of getting your idea out there, and seeing how people respond. What feedback you get. What engagement. If you’re in business, what sales. If you’re dealing with your family, then it may be the energy in your home.

This is the stage where you recognize that if your idea can’t actually do what you need it to do, all the startup confidence in the world will not sustain you. You can’t bury your head in the sand and say “people SHOULD want to buy this,” or “my kids SHOULD be happy.” You have to do business with what actually happens.

So who among you has tried an idea, gotten it out there, and been positively surprised by the result? Type it in there, share your experience!

To fuel this kind of confidence, you actually have to get your idea out there. This is the step where you ACT on your VISION. You have to actually have those conversations that you think you need to have. You have to put it out there, so that it can come back to you. Sometimes this looks like Asking for Feedback. Asking for Reviews. Actually making your product available for sale and PROMOTING IT. We often don’t ask questions that we’re afraid we’ll get negative answers to. When we fail to ask or share an idea, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to get CONFIDENCE from OTHERS.

Confidence in the EVOLUTION.

This is the step where you are willing to take your SOLO CONFIDENCE, and combine it with the SHARED CONFIDENCE that came from whatever reactions and results you got, and birth a NEW VISION. In some ways it’s like starting back at the “new vision” phase, where you have to have your own confidence. But it’s drastically different, because you aren’t just building your idea from your own thinking; you have the quality information of others’ feedback and results that can give you even stronger confidence! It’s a kind of HYBRID CONFIDENCE. You’re still the only person who can see the full new picture - but you have the added building blocks of real life feedback.

Confidence like this can come whether your initial idea panned out WELL, or NOT-SO-WELL! This can be the confidence that even though your idea didn’t work the way you hoped, you have SOLID FEEDBACK to help you understand what didn’t work so that you can improve your next attempt.
This also means that you don’t take an idea that works, and turn your brain off. You don’t stay comfortable. You recognize that any truly good or successful idea can EVOLVE into and increasingly better idea, or it can evolve to impact more people, be easier to execute, or become transferable to more people.

I’d like to hear from you - type in the comments - who is doing something right now that doesn’t seem to be working? And who is doing something that is? We can talk about what evolutionary steps you can make in either case to build Hybrid Confidence to move forward!

Wild + Brave Coach. Ghostwriter. Author of Think Wild.

Schedule a Free Coaching Session with Morgan