How to Become Naturally Brave
Becoming Naturally Brave
Welcome to the detailed transcript for our Free Facebook Live Coaching this week! This week we talked about how we can access our own natural bravery. Dig in to the ideas, and join the conversation on Facebook, or by using the comments below, and become brave in a way that is right for you!
What today will give us:
Today I want to talk about bravery through the lens of personality. One thing I know to be true is that bravery looks different on some people than it does on others.
So today we’re going to look at four flavors of bravery, and help you identify three things:
- What YOUR natural flavor of bravery looks like!
- What happens when you LOSE your bravery!
- WHAT YOU CAN DO to regain your bravery!
So before we talk about 4 different flavor a of bravery, we will run through the 4 major personality types we can easily divide ourselves into. While I do a quick overview, please take a second and type into the comments to tell me what thing you are facing or goal you have that is requiring you to be brave.
This is your coaching time, so please let me know where you're at! We will work through this process together! Feel free to ask questions at any time, and share your thoughts and comments anywhere along the way!
So, while you're typing in to share what it is in your life that is requiring you to be brave, let’s divide ourselves up by dominant personality types. And grab a piece of paper if you can...it may make the exercise we’re about to do a little easier.
Finding Your Dominant Personality Type
There are just 2 questions we ask in order to figure out what our one dominant personality type is. There is more to us than just this one type, but for today - to get a fresh perspective on what bravery can look like for us - we will talk about this 1 major element of our personalities.
Two Questions to Identify Your Dominant Personality:
Question #1: if you had to pick (and you could change your mind later) would you say that you are more fast-paced, or more slow-paced?
If you got a piece of paper out, write down your answer. And share it with me in the comments! I'd love to know!
And Question #2: if you had to pick (and you can always change your answer later), would you say you're more people-oriented, or more task-oriented?
Add that answer to the piece of paper, or type it in the comments!
Now, with those two words, you have a dominant personality trait we can use to get some fresh insight into how you can be more naturally brave! Tell me your two words, and I'll tell you the name of your dominant trait!
The 4 Dominant Personality Types:
Fast-Paced + Task-Oriented:
- The Dominant Personality Type
- You care about Choices, Challenges, and Control.
Fast-Paced + People-Oriented:
- The Inspiring Personality Type
- You care about Fun, Friendship, and Recognition.
Slow-Paced + Task-Oriented:
- The Cautious Personality Type
- You care about Excellence, Value, and Accuracy.
Slow-Paced + People-Oriented:
- The Supportive Personality Type
- You care about Harmony, Peace, and Safety.
The 4 Flavors of Brave
So what does it look like when someone with a primarily Dominant Personality Type is being brave? A Dominant person is going to take the bull by the horns, storm the hill first, and trust their gut. When a Dominant person loses their bravery, they’re likely to start placing blame on others, and complain about how things are; or they internalize the problems and get too discouraged to charge another hill. When you get derailed from bravery, get clarity, reconnect to your motivation, and focus on the elements that you can control. Take ownership of those things, and let the things you can’t control be removed from your thinking and strategy.
So what does it look like when someone with a primarily Inspiring Personality Type is being brave? An Inspiring person is going to get up a posse, a party, or at least a person or two to charge the hill with them. When you lose your nerve, it’s usually because you worked yourself into a corner where you are cut off from people, you lose sight the bright excitement and the joy at the end of the tunnel. To stay brave, actively cultivate friendships with people who are being brave and value the support and friendship of charging toward a goal in a similar way with you. Refresh yourself, and get excited. Nose to the grind-stone will not bring your bravery back.
So what does it look like when someone with a primarily Cautious Personality Type is being brave? A cautious person is going to stand firm on what they know to be true. They will speak up when it matters, and make sure they are heard. They won’t go off half cocked, but they will do what they know and dig in to withstand pressures and difficulty. When a cautious person loses their bravery, it’s usually because they can’t get the questions they have answered, or they are rushed in a way that is counter-productive. To get back on track, stop. Take stock of what you KNOW to be true. Ground yourself in where you are trying to go, and figure out the one next step. Give yourself the freedom to throw all your focus into that step, and resist multitasking.
So what does it look like when someone with a primarily Supportive Personality Type is being brave? A supportive person thinks about who in their life needs them to be brave. What will being brave do for the people they care about? When a supportive person loses their bravery, it’s usually because they start to fear what they are trying to accomplish is all about themselves. They get disconnected from others. Even with solo activity, a supportive person can get their bravery back by really digging in to the good it will do or the help it will be to the people they love when they do what needs to be done!
Why Finding Your Brave Matters
One of the toughest things about bravery is that when we need it the most, it is the hardest to tap into. Usually in those situations, we end up beating ourselves up for not being brave. We imagine what “someone who is brave” would do - inevitably, modeling ourselves on people who are too different for us to naturally follow their example.
The only hope for being truly brave when we need it most is to be OUR kind of brave. No matter how much of a scaredy cat you have felt at one time or another, you are brave. Be free to be you, and the bravery you tap into will be strong, sustainable, and successful beyond anything you can imagine.
Go, and be brave!
Free Resources to Help You Leverage Personality
If you liked using the lens of personality to become more brave, Learn More About It Here! Understanding the science and application of personality, you can transform your relationships, leadership, and your own self-confidence.
Wild + Brave Coach. Ghostwriter. Author of Think Wild.
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