Family Friday: Parenting War Tactic

This Family Friday, I'm sharing a "war tactic" all of us parents need to use to manage the stress of parenting! It's simple, it's scientific, and it's something you can teach your kids too!

I'll be honest, running a family business can be stressful! This technique is a tool my team and I use DAILY to manage our stress in a healthy way! And this is just one of the many techniques we've been sharing in our wild + brave 30 Day Success Adventure Group!

There are nearly 200 wild + brave parents, entrepreneurs, coaches, and all-around-delightful humans collaborating and encouraging each other inside the private wild + brave Facebook Group right now! We'd love for you to join us! Just go to and join today!

 Jeane HendrixJeane Hendrix, RN

Certified Human Behavioral Consultant, Coach, and mother of three very different children, Jeane Hendrix loves harnessing the power of science and leadership to help families thrive.

Read other articles by Jeane Hendrix