Being Wild + Brave
1 Question We All Know the Answer To
We're talking a lot lately about being wild and brave. Anytime I ask someone if they want to be wild and brave, they say some version of "well yeah!" They never ask "what is wild and brave?" They don't play it safe and ask "how would you do it?" before committing to an answer. They know they want it, and instinctively sense that being more wild and brave would definitely be an improvement.
But there's something strange that happens when people starting thinking. Everyone seems to think that being wild and brave is something natural - there are some people who are wild and brave, and they're just that way. The rest of us would LIKE to live like that, but somehow assume that there isn't a tangible way to create a wild and brave life, right where we are.
What is Wild + Brave?
But what does it mean to be wild and brave? When I get up in the morning, and step into a day of being wild and brave, what do I do? It all comes down to two things: learning to think wild thoughts, and take brave action.
Wild Thoughts
Every day we have thoughts that could transform our lives. Every moment, we have the potential to conceive precisely the idea that we need.
If we're stuck. Discouraged. Drained. If we're behind, or overwhelmed, or tired. There is, inside of us, the wild thought that can lead us forward, lift us out, make life different.
If we're happy, hopeful, excited. If we're grateful, ready, or inspired...there are wild thoughts inside of us that will add meaning to our successes, strength to our confidence, and expansiveness to our futures.
Brave Action
So we have great ideas. Ideas that CAN transform our lives. But do they?
The answer depends on whether we take action on them! It takes bravery to act on a wild thought. Sometimes that "action" means asking a question, trying something we're not sure is going to work, or betting on yourself by moving forward. When we take action, it makes new wild thoughts possible. We learn, observe, and get inspired every time we act on our wild thoughts. Wild + Brave are best friends. By consistently engaging in wild thoughts and brave action, you live the W+B Life.
How to Have Wild Thoughts
If you want to think wild thoughts, there is just one question you need to ask.
Just one.
What would you do, if you were brave?
That's it. Whatever answer your mind provides to that question - that is a wild thought! If you cultivate the reflex of taking brave action on your wild thoughts, then you are living Wild + Brave!
So, what would you do if you were brave? If you want some encouragement, visit us on our Facebook Page. If you really need a Wild and Brave family, you can always join us at Headquarters. Wild + Brave HQ is where we think wild and get brave together, so if you need work buddies, thinking partners, and brave action coaches come check it out.
Wild + Brave Coach. Ghostwriter. Author of Think Wild.
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