Recipe for the Turkeys at Your Table This Thanksgiving

Well, you Wild + Brave Humans have spoken about the “turkeys” in your holiday (AKA the “challenging” friends and family you might be slightly dreading.) 89% of you on Instagram voted that Yep – you’ve got turkeys around your table this Thanksgiving. 100% of you on Facebook voted Yep. So here we go, the promised…

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Midterm Election Recovery

Midterm Elections Messing with Your Emotions? Check Out this Quick Recovery Guide through Emotional Agility! Well, we’ve been inundated with political ads, urged and encouraged to vote, and been faced with discussing our deepest fears, desires, insecurities, and hopes with total strangers because of this creature known as the Midterm Election.   And although it…

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Friday Challenge: Get That Coffee Together!

When we feel stressed, hurried, or like we’re just not going to make it, the fear part of our brain takes over. And we literally see less: less options, less possibility, less worth and competence the people around us…we even lose some peripheral vision! This WILL happen in some way to each of us today,…

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Wild + Brave Back to School

Tomorrow is the big day here in Lee County, FL…first day back to school! Wherever you are, whatever the age of your children (from pre-school to college), everyone has fear and apprehension about their #LittleWilds and #TinyBraves jaunting off into the unknown. Will their teacher really see them and look after them? Will the new…

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Productivity is magic because

“Productivity is magic because of what it lets us focus on: the people we love, the places we want to see, the truly important things we can experience and contribute.” – Megan Hendrix   Comment below if you needed this reminder! Whatever you’re hustling toward this Monday, remember…you are more than your to-do list “Productivity is…

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Why You Should LOL

For thousands of years, we have all heard that laughter is the best medicine. Whether your problem is physical, mental, or emotional, it is good to remember what Mark Twain said, “Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” I know that even on a good day, I love to laugh, and I love to hear the laughter of people I care about. Today, many professionals are finding that laughter is literally what the doctor ordered.

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Happy Mother’s Day to Our Mom

Not everyone has a mom they can look up to, and lean on. Who keeps record of their good moments, reminds them of their strength, and treats them with kindness and respect. A mother who makes time for them, and doesn’t wait for holidays or emergencies to show up and pay attention. Who doesn’t take…

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