Become Time Rich

I’ve been thinking about time wealth a lot lately. Some thinkers who talk about escaping time poverty seem to do so with an undeniable flavor of privilege. They leave us thinking we have to achieve a certain level of affluence and power so we can make choices that protect our time, often by trading part…

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What is Competitive Selection?

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Life is never just one thing. Take today for example. I slept in, fixed a fancy homemade coconut latte, and sat down to work in my fuzzy clean slippers. (The Good) The sleep in was sponsored by a persistent ringing in my left ear, and a growing wave…

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Active Constructive Responding

I didn’t invent most of the communication techniques I have become “known” to my clients for helping them learn. ButResearch I’ve come to believe it’s a colossal waste of time to try to define things as “my process” or “my techniques.” In any thinking partnership, ownership of ideas is fuzzy at best, counterproductive at worst.…

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How to Use StrengthsFinders

Don’t let your Strengths languish on a list. Build your ability to “consistently provide near-perfect performance” with a simple Growth Formula. Watch this week’s Free Coaching Replay to learn from the StrengthsFinder 2.0 framework something you can use right where you are.   What is StrengthsFinder? (aka CliftonStrengths) There are 34 Themes (what they call…

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Heart Health and Positive Connection

As you are probably aware, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. What you may not have heard is that a lack of positive connection has the same detrimental health effects as smoking and excessive alcohol use! What if there were something you could do in just a few minutes per day that would help you dramatically improve both your cardiovascular health AND your ability to generate positive connections with others?

There are exciting research studies that show how meditation—specifically loving-kindness meditation—has a direct and measurable impact on our brains and our hearts. (Read More)

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