Building a Deep Work Practice: Week 1
Have you ever heard of a "Deep Work Practice"? This week we're launching a Summer Live content series called Build a Deep Work Practice.
Why do we care about deep work? Because deep work* is a huge part of Finding your Wild Rhythm and experiencing Epic Growth! If you're tired of living in survival mode, or feeling uncertain if your life, career, or relationships are actually amounting to anything; you're ready for that epic growth.
Stop catching up, and hanging on for dear life hoping things slow down soon. Your life is probably crazy right now. We respect that. But what will your future look like in 3 years or 5? Without deep work, it probably won't be much different than what you have right now. You'll just be tireder.
Some of the topics Coach Morgan will be covering this week include:
Flip the Growth Spiral
Escape Sporadic Growth
Start Looking for Wild Rhythm
Understand Where Growth Actually Happens
Does your life have a Wild Rhythm? Not sure what a Wild Rhythm is?! Dig in with us, and we'll tackle it together.
At Wild + Brave we want to help you live with resonance, depth, and durable vitality in the world you actually have. So let's get started.
*Thank you To author Cal Newport for the Wild Idea of "Deep Work." If you haven't read his book," Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World" you might want to check it out. Though this series is not a study of his content, we will explore some of the powerful strategies and evidence-based research he shares.