Demystifying Your Strengths

Strengths don't come with a universal set of labels. You have unique strengths you can grow right where you are.

For all the dozens of strengths tests available to us, it can still be tough to get started "living in your strengths." But it's amazing what happens when you stop investing time to shore up weaknesses, and pour yourself into being the most energized and effective YOU you can be.


At Wild + Brave this September, we’re going to focus on STRENGTHS. There are a lot of ways to get at your strengths, to dig into understanding your unique giftings, finding genuine engagement and energy, as well as giving yourself the power to overcome obstacles rather than being overwhelmed.

If you’re new to Wild + Brave, this is a great way to get started - your strengths. A Strengths-based approach is one of the things that separates Wild + Brave from other schools of thought on coaching out there.

We start with what’s RIGHT with you, your natural GIFTINGS, and with what’s WORKING. We don’t do this because we’re nice people, or because we’re looking for a silver lining. We start with what’s STRONG with you and what’s WORKING in your life because in that lies the keys to your success and thriving. Inside of your strengths lie clues for keeping you Energized, Engaged, and Effective. What is working gives us insights for making changes and adjustments that begin to eliminate strain, undue stress, and overcome obstacles in a more durable way.

In the course of the month, we’ll look at some of the popular tools out there for learning about your strengths, and give you some Wild + Brave ways to live in your strengths more today, and every day.

Chances are you’ve already taken (or been forced to take by a boss or friend) one of many strengths tests out there. You can bring your results with you our Facebook live, and learn what the test is (and is not) teaching you.

Maybe you’ve done Strengthsfinders, or VIA - your Values in Action, or DISC Personality Strengths. Check out our online calendar to see when the Facebook Live unpacking that tool is scheduled for and come join us! If you have your results, bring them with you and feel free to ask any questions you have. For everyone else, come get a helpful overview and easy-to-use idea that you can learn, without ever taking the assessment!

Find Some Words

This week's Wild + Brave Challenge is to find some words to use to talk about your strengths. You can borrow them from a strengths test, or use the words that naturally come to mind when you think about what your natural gifting is.

Free Strengths Assessment

We've got a really awesome Free Strengths Assessment you can take if you'd like to borrow some words from some of the best strengths researchers on earth. It will help you see what strengths you're using most right now.

Switch to Real Time Comments

Catch the replay of this week's Wild + Brave Live, and get some energy for starting your Strengths Quest! If you watch the replay, make sure to switch to "real time comments" and participate in the comments as if you were live. You never know the impact your comment may have on someone who watches after you.

Join the POWER UP! 5-Day Action Group, September 23rd!

Once you get your Free Strengths Assessment, then what? Now it's time to dig into your strengths! Join us for a fun online Action Group, for live group coaching and practical ways to live more in strengths right where you are!

For only $9.99 - and with a Money Back Guarantee - you can't go wrong!

Next Week on Wild + Brave

a Wild + Brave September of Strengths

Join us next week for another full week of content, helping you KNOW and GROW your STRENGTHS!

Join our email list for an extra tidbit that is exclusive to email subscribers!

Wild + Brave Coach. Ghostwriter. Author of Think Wild.

Schedule a Free Coaching Session with Morgan