Dream Check Up

"If you dream during the day, you'll sleep better at night." - Morgan Hendrix

DREAM CHECK UP: have you fallen into the trap of just trying to do #allthethings?

Have you dialed down your dreams so you can just DO MORE? (Oh, see that bus? We just threw ourselves under it too 🚎 There’s #roomforallofus #underthebus 😜)

🙏 Take 90 seconds for a mental vacation RIGHT NOW! Take a couple of deep breaths, picture yourself happy and at ease. What / who / where comes to mind?

Do this over the next few days and see what patterns emerge. You get to focus on what you want...and reconnecting with your dreams is an easy and powerful first step!
“If you dream during the day, you’ll sleep better at night.” - Morgan Hendrix

#wildandbrave #qotd #dream