Wild + Brave Faith

Wild + Brave Faith
We believe that each of us was born with a spiritual adventure stamped on our heart. An adventure that’s bigger than us because it didn't come from us. This adventure calls us and no matter how successful we are in our business or our relationships, unless we’re chasing our faith adventure, it feels like something’s missing from our lives.
Making the intentional choice to pursue that adventure is something we’ve begun to call Wild + Brave Faith.
Wild + Brave Faith isn't about following a religion, or keeping a set of rules. It’s all about awakening the desire in your heart to chase your sacred adventure and live a life of meaning. It’s letting your faith out of the box to become real in your life.
It’s wild to think that you were designed for a purpose that is uniquely yours: That you are fully resourced with wild ideas, dreams, and a contribution that only you can make.
Whatever it is you were placed on this earth to do, it will require you to step out of your comfort zone and take action. Faith is NOT for cowards! It requires you to be bigger than you are and CHALLENGES you to connect to resources greater than you are.
Wild + Brave Faith challenges us to cross the gap between what we can do and see what God can do.
We weren’t born to live small, to play it safe, or to be ordinary. We were born to be extraordinary- to live wild and brave every single day!
But in order to be brave we have to do battle with the biggest enemy of our faith - fear! Fear of not being good enough, fear of failing, or fear of what others will think.
Fear is contagious, but so is courage.
There are a lot of things you can do to bolster your courage. Ways you can prompt yourself to connect with God, ways you can deepen your understanding and fuel your spiritual adventure. You’ll see us dig into them periodically here on the Wild + Brave Blog. So stay tuned and let us know if you want more free content on the topic of Wild + Brave Faith.
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One of the quickest ways to grow our faith is to hear how others are living wild and brave.
We’d love to hear about your Wild + Brave Faith journey: your experiences, your struggles, and your victories. Send us an email to tell us how you feed your faith or how you fuel your bravery.
You were made for adventure: to think wild thoughts and dream wild dreams, to act brave and to make a difference in this world. Each day you engage your faith is a day filled with hope, love, and significance.
We have a dream of sparking a Wild + Brave Faith movement that spreads around the world...igniting people to think wild, to act brave, and most of all to live out their faith!
Adventure is calling…Can you imagine what would happen if every one of us answered?
Send your comments or stories to Faith@HendrixCoaching.com, and weigh in in the comments below to let us know if you want more blogs on fueling your faith.
I can’t wait to hear what happens on your Wild + Brave faith adventure.
PS: To everyone who shared their invaluable insights and feedback on our recent Wild + Brave Faith Weekday Revival Experience for Churches, thank you. We will continue to look for ways to foster and support churches and humans around the world to challenge themselves in their faith. At this time, however, your insights helped us see how the Weekday Revival Experience wasn’t quite what churches would be most able to utilize. Your selflessness in taking the time to review our ideas and enlighten our thinking is deeply appreciated.
Wild + Brave Ambassador
Jeane is a Registered Nurse as well as a coach and thinking partner. Check out more of Jeane's articles if you like learning about the science of well being, thriving as a family, and encouragement for your Wild + Brave Faith practice.