Friday Challenge: Get That Coffee Together!

Get That Coffee Together

When we feel stressed, hurried, or like we’re just not going to make it, the fear part of our brain takes over. And we literally see less: less options, less possibility, less worth and competence the people around us...we even lose some peripheral vision! This WILL happen in some way to each of us today, whether we work from home, on the road, or in an office.

So here’s a quick way to BREAK OUT of that negative cycle and BREAK THROUGH in your own productivity and in collaboration with the humans around you:

1. GET UP from your chair. Sitting is the new smoking...get that circulation moving!
2. Pick a work buddy and invite them to grab a coffee (or lunch or a snack) with you.
3. Spend just 5 intentional minutes looking them in the eye and listening to them while you savor that latte or sip that iced coffee. Ask a curious and open-ended question about something they share...questions that begin with “How” or “What” are the best.

And that’s it! Do this and you will be physiologically, cognitively, and emotionally more resourced to SLAY today and end this work week well!