Happy Mother’s Day
There are a lot of things we think of on Mother’s Day.
Sometime’s it’s sacrifice – Mom’s give of their time, their hearts, their bodies, and their sanity to help their little ones come into, and find their places in the world.
Other times, we think of gratitude and generosity, trying to find some way in the world to say thank you to someone who has contributed so many moments and resources into our lives. And we find it’s impossible to ever say thank you enough…much less try to repay the generosity.
When we think of the ideal mother, she’s always one who shows us kindness, and unconditional love. Whether the mother we have showed us those traits or not, “a mother’s love” is the gold standard for selfless caring.
When I personally think of the role of motherhood, I think of the traits of courage, resilience, and flexibility it takes to field the curve-balls life throws at you while juggling sippy cups and sneakers.
Every mom has her own uniqueness that makes her beautiful as well. One of my mom’s superhero strengths is listening, and there’s something in her spirit that makes her the most comforting person in difficult times. She is someone who eases my pain, and makes it impossible for me to forget that I am valuable. She calls me one of her 3 treasures…and she treats me like it.
I am a truly blessed person – my mom actually is all of those things we think make someone a good mother. But beyond those, there’s something I particularly want to recognize my mom for this year.
My mother gives me HOPE.
Mom lives a life of hope, and can genuinely look any person in the world in the eye, and see a good future for them. She can see their potential, as well as their value even in a low moment. Mom has shown me what it looks like to intentionally feed her own hope – and to multiply it by seeding it into the lives of every person who crosses her path.
My mom has given much, asked little, and never failed to show up in my life. She has faced some incredibly tough times and overcome them. She doesn’t pretend to know it all, and always seeks to learn from others. If thing’s aren’t working, she’s taught me that we’ll figure something out. She doesn’t even need to see a way out to have the faith that one is there.
My mom has made me strong – not tough. She’s taught me to be kind – not just “nice.” She’s taught me to be teachable, intentional, and fully present. And the way she’s lived into her life, she gives me the hope that I can thrive in my own.
I know they say “as long as there’s life, there’s hope.” But in my mind, they’ve got it all backwards. The truth is, as long as there’s hope, there’s life. If you have hope, absolutely nothing can destroy you…and even after you take your last breath, if you leave a legacy of hope behind you – you never truly die.
Be truly alive today…and take a note from my mom. Whether you’re a mom or not – this means you too, guys – spread hope with every breath you take.
PS: I love you, Mom.
~Your Honey Girl