May You Live Above Your Circumstances

May you live
Above your circumstances,
Deeper than your calamities
Beyond your capabilities.
May you live your life with ease.
Maybe some of you find yourself in circumstances that are disappointing, or maybe you’re facing great hardships or a calamity in your life right now.
As hard as you’ve tried, as brave as you’ve been…nothing seems to be changing.
But we can’t let our circumstances or hardships shape our future. Just for today, let’s focus on our dream instead of our circumstances. Let’s declare that the current calamity will pass. Maybe today, we could let our dreams and determination stretch our current capabilities and strengths. Today let’s declare that we are wild enough and brave enough to grow stronger and more resilient through whatever we’re facing.
No need to ignore what’s going on- but what we do today will shape our tomorrow. Let’s not live in the “messy middle!” Let’s live above, deeper, and beyond!
Share this with someone you know who might need a word of encouragement. We’re all in this #together.