Megan Hendrix
As far back as I can remember, I've loved two things more than anything else:
people and storytelling. To me, storytelling is a way of loving people, of connecting us through what we have in common and finding a middle way to make a difference...together.

Wild + Brave Coach
The day I discovered the field of positive psychology, I was hooked. I tailored my entire undergraduate research into applying it to everything, from my actual research courses to my English papers (why yes, there is hope and resilience in "The Glass Menagerie.")
And it was when my mom introduced me to the process of coaching that I had that WOW! moment of knowing that THIS was the way to get the tools and techniques from positive psychology into the hands and hearts of as many humans as possible.
So I became a certified coach and co-created Hendrix Coaching with my amazing family team.
Whether it's creating an InstaStory to share a Wild + Brave idea in tangible form, running an online Challenge Experience, or having a private coaching session, the process of coaching shapes how I get to help other humans live their own adventure. And that's why I get up in the morning!

Interning with First Lady Laura Bush

Learning from my Leadership Mentor: John Maxwell

Speaking to Coaches from Around the Globe
All leadership begins with self-leadership...which begins with understanding yourself and others.
- Megan Hendrix

Wild + Brave Storyteller
As the Wild + Brave Storyteller-in-Residence, I create stories to share ideas and connect with humans across social media and online platforms. Chances are if you’re DM-ing us on Instagram or having a playful GIF-off on Facebook with Hendrix Coaching, you’re hanging out with yours truly.
It’s gonna sound corny but I also think of myself as the Wild + Brave Nurturer-In-Residence. It’s my job to think about how we can make things simple, how can we make them beautiful, how can we make them fun so that you feel our love for you. So that you can take action. So that you understand your unique magic.
And you know how I do this? By CONSTANTLY bugging the heck out of Mom and Morgan….
“Hey Mom - give me the latest research….I need something great!”
“Hey Morg - what Challenges are you creating for our online experience…I need a mini one right now for someone with a DI personality!”
And they love me anyway....what a team 🙂
I'm a silly, playful, nerd at heart who is insanely curious about people and places....

I was born on an island, my heart belongs to the sea

Dancing is my favorite

Museum? YES! Archeology? HELLO!
My heroes are researchers, scientists, advocates, writers...and people who don't fall into any particular category but they are amazingly in love with what they do!
People like emotion researcher and psychologist Barbara Fredrickson, children's author and advocate Wendy Orr, positive psychology unicorn Michelle McQuaid, ocean lover and advocate + marine botanist Dr. Sylvia Earle, and the awesome group of picture book writers known affectionately as the Book Makers Dozen.
Not all of the people from whom I get my greatest inspiration are still living. Fred Rogers is one of my greatest teachers and mentors even though we never met and he has passed on. I look to him as the ultimate standard of beauty and excellence when creating and sharing something for others.
Every word, every song, every interaction was filled with love and purpose and curiosity. "It's You I Like" is one of my very favorite songs (get back in there, tear!) And everything that seemed so simple on camera was approached with such rigor and diligence and heart so that when you step back and see the final product, you see something "simple and deep" - which is why it still resonates with us years later.
I'm not ashamed to admit that it's my goal and purpose to cultivate and nurture a Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood essence in our Wild + Brave Community. To make sure you know that we see you and love you for who you are, right now. And we're here to empower and encourage you while you reach for your great adventure.

Every day is full of possible!

Hugs = Magic (it's science)