Name It And Tame It

 Welcome to the Wild + Brave + Coffee: NAME it and TAME It! Thanks for everyone who participated in our LIVE conversation - you made it awesome. But Megan's voice ended up sounding really strange, so she recorded this video to walk you through today's Wild Idea + Brave Action + CHALLENGE! 

This week at #wildandbrave we’re focusing on acknowledging what we’re actually feeling. Naming our emotions so that we can have understanding and compassion for ourselves before jumping into shifting anything. 


Ignoring or denying what we’re actually feeling doesn’t give us the internal resources we need to change our thought and actions. Naming our emotions without judgment is the first step to getting clarity and energy to move forward.


So this week, whatever road you’re on, whether it’s difficult, beautiful, or somewhere in between, stay connected with your internal #wildandbrave. Be wild enough to look at what you’re feeling with fresh eyes. And be brave enough to give it a name!

  1. Acknowledge your emotions and accept them as valid

  2. Paying Attention to how your body feels. It’s pointing you to an emotion you need to attend to.

  3. Name your emotions and the thought patterns fueling them. Stay connected with your breath during this process. Inhale through your nose and use that breath to stay with that negative emotion and thought long enough to name it. Exhale as you let that named emotion and thought pass through you and pass on.

  4. When you're ready for more, check out the mini power course, "Stop, Drop, & ROLL!"

  5. If you have #littlewilds and #tinybraves, check out the Summer Coaching Tools we created for you to be a #WildandBraveParent! "Emotion Coaching Your Kids" is the full picture of how to help your kids learn to regulate their own emotions!


Feel free to interact in the Facebook Video comments or post on Instagram or Facebook with #WildandBrave. And we're always here for you at