One Happy Thought

Jeane and Megan are happy when they adventure together!

I love travel and adventure, so whenever I’m anticipating hopping on a plane, train, or even an automobile - I’m like a kid at Christmas! I wake up so happy and energized!
I’ve noticed that when I start the day with positive happy thoughts, my day seems to go better - I’m more creative, energized and nicer to be around! So I want to wake up “happy” every morning - even on “ordinary” days. 

So before I go to bed, I’m picking one happy thought I want to start my day with. Since thoughts are what produce emotions- by picking my first thought, I’m actually going to pick the emotional state I want to begin my day with- and I pick “Happy!”

To remind myself, I put a sticky note on my phone and I set the alarm to play Pharrell’s song “Happy!” 

So this morning when I woke up, the first thing I did was smile and say my happy thought out loud! Even though I’m naturally happy most of the time, I can tell you the I felt a surge of energy and enthusiasm about my “ordinary” day!

This week, my girls and I are all challenging ourselves to “Wake Up Happy” and I can’t wait to see (and feel) the results of our experiment!
Want to join us? We all have loads of reasons to wake up happy- sometimes we just need a reminder! 

Just pick a thought, place a reminder, and prime your day for happiness by proclaiming it right when you get up! (Too much alliteration?)

And wouldn’t it be great if more people (like your family members, team mates, or clients) would wake up happier tomorrow? Why not share the “Wake Up Happy Challenge” with people you care about?
#wildandbrave #wakeuphappy