Welcome to Wild + Brave

We're Glad You're Here

Whatever has brought you to WildAndBrave.com, we're thrilled you're here. This is the digital home of Wild + Brave, a movement of humans who #ThinkWild #LiveBrave and take daily action to be meaningfully connected in the modern world.

The + in our name points to the science of Positive Psychology, and is your first clue of how much we love research. We do our best to be "applied positive psychologists" by creating clear and practical applications wild ideas from experts.

But more than the research, Wild + Brave is about being human in a genuine, vibrant, healthy way. We believe in embracing a meaningful life, becoming well connected to big ideas and one another to reach our own potential, and boost the potential of those around us.

Feature - Welcome to Wild + Brave

Get a Personalized Copy of Think Wild


Order a personalized copy of a new book by Coach Morgan Hendrix. Think Wild: Mental Growth Tactics for Brave Humans. Personalized copies will include a custom message from the author and a special word of encouragement. You'll also get free shipping.

Expect longer shipping times (allow 2-4 weeks for processing from purchase date).

Every Human Deserves a Coach.

As you check out our Blog, and see what we've got to offer, you'll see the word coaching pop up a lot.

The coaching process brings the power of curiosity and psychological safety together to create a space where you can think new thoughts, be challenged, and create new growth and success in your life.

Whether you need help unlocking professional success, becoming more organized, or improved communication with others; coaching will help you draw your best self forward.

At Wild + Brave we supercharge the coaching space by bringing to it scientifically tested interventions, new ideas, and techniques from the best minds around to help you improve your results in life and work. Get a Free Coaching session to see what a Wild + Brave coach might do for you.

Latest From the Wild + Brave Blog

Simple Beginnings

By Jeane Hendrix | December 15, 2013

As a Registered Nurse and Whole Health Coach, I have observed that most people are unhappy with some aspect of their health and it distracts or prevents them from fully focusing on their major life goals. It happens to me too!

Last year, I began experiencing weight gain for the first time in my life. Even though I was eating cleaner and exercising more than I ever had, my weight began to gradually creep up.