Welcome to Wild + Brave

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Whatever has brought you to WildAndBrave.com, we're thrilled you're here. This is the digital home of Wild + Brave, a movement of humans who #ThinkWild #LiveBrave and take daily action to be meaningfully connected in the modern world.

The + in our name points to the science of Positive Psychology, and is your first clue of how much we love research. We do our best to be "applied positive psychologists" by creating clear and practical applications wild ideas from experts.

But more than the research, Wild + Brave is about being human in a genuine, vibrant, healthy way. We believe in embracing a meaningful life, becoming well connected to big ideas and one another to reach our own potential, and boost the potential of those around us.

Feature - Welcome to Wild + Brave

Get a Personalized Copy of Think Wild


Order a personalized copy of a new book by Coach Morgan Hendrix. Think Wild: Mental Growth Tactics for Brave Humans. Personalized copies will include a custom message from the author and a special word of encouragement. You'll also get free shipping.

Expect longer shipping times (allow 2-4 weeks for processing from purchase date).

Every Human Deserves a Coach.

As you check out our Blog, and see what we've got to offer, you'll see the word coaching pop up a lot.

The coaching process brings the power of curiosity and psychological safety together to create a space where you can think new thoughts, be challenged, and create new growth and success in your life.

Whether you need help unlocking professional success, becoming more organized, or improved communication with others; coaching will help you draw your best self forward.

At Wild + Brave we supercharge the coaching space by bringing to it scientifically tested interventions, new ideas, and techniques from the best minds around to help you improve your results in life and work. Get a Free Coaching session to see what a Wild + Brave coach might do for you.

Latest From the Wild + Brave Blog

Stay In the Game on Your Goals

By Morgan Hendrix | November 15, 2023

Keep Chasing Your Dreams   If being a coach has taught me anything, it’s that chasing after wild and brave possibilities changes our lives for the better…but the chase can make life anything but easy. Personal growth, professional aspirations, and meaningful goals we have for making a positive impact on our world all require us…

3 Ways to Enjoy Your Life More

By Morgan Hendrix | January 13, 2023

3 Ways to Enjoy Your Life More Be Aware Be Wowed Be Wild   Maybe your life needs big changes. Or your workplace needs a personality replacement. But we can’t always wait for things to change before we enjoy our lives more. Whether you’re riding out a hurricane or tough quarter at work, enjoying your…

Catch Up Your Reading (in 1 Hour or Less)

By Morgan Hendrix | January 5, 2023

  Feeling Book Guilt? Had a great conversation the other day with a client. We were talking about all of the things that pile up and cause professional development guilt. We all know we need to keep growing so we don’t fall behind, but it isn’t easy to make time for all the things that…

Dealing with Grief

By Morgan Hendrix | December 23, 2022

Holiday Nostalgia: Joy & Grief We celebrate most holidays to the tune of two “Eves” around my house. Birthday Eve Eve, New Year’s Eve Eve, and this week — Christmas Eve Eve. It’s like a tiny personal holiday to get some extra celebration in before the official day. But today’s eve-squared is salted with nostalgia…

Planning in 3D (20 Minute Planning Tactic)

By Morgan Hendrix | December 16, 2022

How can we plan for success? And can we do it quickly, or do we have to become “serious planner-type people” in order to plan well? Most of the Wild + Brave humans I work with feel like they aren’t exactly “great planners.” They have busy lives, and constantly-changing priorities. They need a form of…

Deliberate Sanity – Life in Low Gear

By Morgan Hendrix | December 9, 2022

Today it took me a good hour to make a snack. I didn’t get distracted with texting friends, or pause mid-prep to dance to music. A few years back, that would be the only reason a 20 minute activity would have tripled in duration. But today the work was silent, methodical, deliberate. No attempt to…

Dangerous Reflection (Growth Traps)

By Morgan Hendrix | December 2, 2022

Reflection is essential to growth. If we don’t think into our lives, experiences, relationships, choices, and results, we’ll be at the mercy of chaos and entropy. Reflection is the fulcrum for seizing opportunity and influencing the path of our own lives.  But there’s a sneaky, counterfeit form of reflection that can kill growth. It’s on…

Guided Gratitude Reflection – 5 Minute Journaling Exercise

By Morgan Hendrix | November 23, 2022

 Guided Gratitude Reflection   Welcome to Wild + Brave, I’m coach Morgan. Today we’re doing a guided gratitude reflection. I’ll share some journaling prompts to prime your brain for noticing and savoring the things in your life that have made you stronger, healthier, happier, and more connected. Even writing down one answer to each…

Self-Dismissive Labeling (Growth Traps)

By Morgan Hendrix | November 18, 2022

Sneaky Growth Traps This month I want to cover some of the growth traps that munch us. They’re habits, behaviors, and mindsets that sneak into our lives, and limit or prevent growth. They do this while giving us a false sense of permission, safety, stability, or truth. They’re tricky like that. One Growth Trap that…

Getting to the Other Side of Suffering

By Morgan Hendrix | October 21, 2022

Before the “almost category 5” hurricane Ian made a direct hit on my home town, I was learning a lot about how great thinkers have handled suffering and trouble. In my reading, coaching conversations, and coffee walks with friends in the park I had been chewing through the more existential side of suffering. Does suffering…