Welcome to Wild + Brave

We're Glad You're Here

Whatever has brought you to WildAndBrave.com, we're thrilled you're here. This is the digital home of Wild + Brave, a movement of humans who #ThinkWild #LiveBrave and take daily action to be meaningfully connected in the modern world.

The + in our name points to the science of Positive Psychology, and is your first clue of how much we love research. We do our best to be "applied positive psychologists" by creating clear and practical applications wild ideas from experts.

But more than the research, Wild + Brave is about being human in a genuine, vibrant, healthy way. We believe in embracing a meaningful life, becoming well connected to big ideas and one another to reach our own potential, and boost the potential of those around us.

Feature - Welcome to Wild + Brave

Get a Personalized Copy of Think Wild


Order a personalized copy of a new book by Coach Morgan Hendrix. Think Wild: Mental Growth Tactics for Brave Humans. Personalized copies will include a custom message from the author and a special word of encouragement. You'll also get free shipping.

Expect longer shipping times (allow 2-4 weeks for processing from purchase date).

Every Human Deserves a Coach.

As you check out our Blog, and see what we've got to offer, you'll see the word coaching pop up a lot.

The coaching process brings the power of curiosity and psychological safety together to create a space where you can think new thoughts, be challenged, and create new growth and success in your life.

Whether you need help unlocking professional success, becoming more organized, or improved communication with others; coaching will help you draw your best self forward.

At Wild + Brave we supercharge the coaching space by bringing to it scientifically tested interventions, new ideas, and techniques from the best minds around to help you improve your results in life and work. Get a Free Coaching session to see what a Wild + Brave coach might do for you.

Latest From the Wild + Brave Blog

Don’t Just Get Through (Photo Journal)

By Morgan Hendrix | November 27, 2018

I’ve driven across Kansas a few times now. If you’ve ever been through Kansas, you know that there are a lot of open fields, miles of pastures and a horizon that seems to stretch forever. For most of us, the sheer novelty of the windmills and old barns and farming implements is enough to keep…

Recipe for the Turkeys at Your Table This Thanksgiving

By Megan Hendrix | November 20, 2018

Well, you Wild + Brave Humans have spoken about the “turkeys” in your holiday (AKA the “challenging” friends and family you might be slightly dreading.) 89% of you on Instagram voted that Yep – you’ve got turkeys around your table this Thanksgiving. 100% of you on Facebook voted Yep. So here we go, the promised…

Midterm Election Recovery

By Megan Hendrix | November 7, 2018

Midterm Elections Messing with Your Emotions? Check Out this Quick Recovery Guide through Emotional Agility! Well, we’ve been inundated with political ads, urged and encouraged to vote, and been faced with discussing our deepest fears, desires, insecurities, and hopes with total strangers because of this creature known as the Midterm Election.   And although it…

A Negotiation Technique You Can Use RIGHT NOW!

By Megan Hendrix | October 19, 2018

All of us are busy, none of us have extra time or resources. So what I’m sharing with you here, is a FREE TOOL right from Negotiation Bootcamp! It’s all about SAVING you time and money while GIVING you better results, revenue, and relationships.

Video: Megan and Morgan Answer Your Questions Negotiation Bootcamp

By Megan Hendrix | October 10, 2018

Friday Challenge: Get That Coffee Together!

By Megan Hendrix | September 14, 2018

When we feel stressed, hurried, or like we’re just not going to make it, the fear part of our brain takes over. And we literally see less: less options, less possibility, less worth and competence the people around us…we even lose some peripheral vision! This WILL happen in some way to each of us today,…

Tiny Questions to Change Your Life

By Morgan Hendrix | August 30, 2018

The Quality of Our Lives We grow up with lots of wise sayings haunting us. Some of them are even good advice. There was one saying like that in our family that seems suspiciously like my parents were angling for me to grow up to be a professional coach. But whether they were plotting or…

Wild + Brave Back to School

By Megan Hendrix | August 9, 2018

Tomorrow is the big day here in Lee County, FL…first day back to school! Wherever you are, whatever the age of your children (from pre-school to college), everyone has fear and apprehension about their #LittleWilds and #TinyBraves jaunting off into the unknown. Will their teacher really see them and look after them? Will the new…

Your Personal Invitation to Checklist Rehab

By Morgan Hendrix | July 27, 2018

What’s Checklist Rehab about and how does it work? Check out this personal invitation from coach Morgan Hendrix, where she helps you know what to expect. And you can always email Morgan directly with questions. ~ Learn and Leverage Your Productivity Style – #WorkSmarter ~ Master the Master Tasklists – #AllTheThings ~ Create Efficient Daily Checklists…

Dream Check Up

By Megan Hendrix | July 25, 2018

DREAM CHECK UP: have you fallen into the trap of just trying to do #allthethings? Have you dialed down your dreams so you can just DO MORE? (Oh, see that bus? We just threw ourselves under it too There’s #roomforallofus #underthebus ) Take 90 seconds for a mental vacation RIGHT NOW! Take a couple of…