Start Happy
When I was a little girl my dad always woke me up singing this verse. And it made me anything but glad! Mainly because he couldn’t sing but also because I l liked to sleep in.
I didn’t realize it, but my dad was actually priming my brain for a happier day- on purpose.
How we begin our morning can change the trajectory of our entire day and have a ripple effect on the people we interact with.
Happy beginnings can be sparked with one positive thought!
This past week our team has been challenging ourselves to #wakeuphappy by choosing our happy thought the night before and then saying it out loud (with a smile) in the morning…
This morning I sang this verse - and I made some noise! I literally jumped out of bed while singing my dad’s song! (Sorry neighbors.)
I think he would be proud!
Starting my day with this verse alerted my brain to look for reasons to celebrate today. It isn’t even noon and I’ve already spotted several that I might have overlooked.
Today is a gift from our Creator, tailor-made for us…so let’s be happy and make some noise about it! Sing, shout, or laugh out loud!
Try my dad’s morning verse and see if it helps you greet your day with a little more “happy!”
Let me know how it works for you. Or share how you spark “happy mornings!”