Wild + Brave Summercast

A Forecast for the Summer

We're thrilled to announce a full calender of Wild + Brave this summer. For June, July, and August of this year, we have put together a fun lineup of free information, live coaching, and challenges to help you really embrace what summer has for you, your business, your family. Our goal here at Wild + Brave is to create a Summer of Joy in our calendar of free content.

This is going to be a Wild + Brave Summer of JOY.

We want to enJOY our lives, and often this change of season is a good reminder to make space for enJOYment.

But Joy is tricky.

Have you ever locked in an awesome experience — a vacation, a day off, a fun activity with friends — and found yourself struggling to fully enjoy it?

You might be at Disney with the kids, but the drama or frustration at work is dogging your thoughts or blowing up your inbox. Or you finally get a weekend off and instead of resting or playing you get more discouraged and overwhelmed. Or the fun event with friends leaves you feeling strangely lonely, isolated, or disconnected. Because something is missing. In the moment, in your life, in yourself. You may be worrying about a loved one, distracted, or feel out of place for one reason or another.

It can be hard to be fully present for the beautiful moments of life. Whether it’s the first cup of coffee on an “average day” or a bucket list month of travel - we’re realizing that the ability to be PRESENT is the difference maker in any experience. And RESILIENCE is necessary for us to protect our joy from the unreasonable people and unexpected events that threaten it each day. And that CONNECTEDNESS is the lynchpin for wellbeing at home and work.

We want to invite you to have a Wild + Brave Summer as we tackle being PRESENT, Building RESILIENCE, and learning to CONNECT in meaningful ways. It’s going to be a summer of JOY here at Wild + Brave.

Because that’s what you make possible when you are PRESENT, RESILIENT, and CONNECTED. Joy. Whether the ability to truly enJOY the family vacation, or a sense of peace even in the mayhem of a life challenge. Joy is what elevates us. It’s one of those transcendent emotions...bigger than a feeling.

JUNE: Be Present

JULY: Be Resilient

AUGUST: Be Connected

So Join us for Joy this summer. We will have FREE content every week this summer to help you use science and coaching to find and fuel your joy. We invite you to Join our Email List to receive a weekly wild idea to support your pursuit of joy this summer.