Guided Gratitude Reflection – 5 Minute Journaling Exercise

 Guided Gratitude Reflection   Welcome to Wild + Brave, I’m coach Morgan. Today we’re doing a guided gratitude reflection. I’ll share some journaling prompts to prime your brain for noticing and savoring the things in your life that have made you stronger, healthier, happier, and more connected. Even writing down one answer to each…

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After the Storm [Hurricane Ian 2022]

It’s been intimidating trying to capture the experiences of the storm we just weathered here in southwest Florida.  The first hurricane I remember was Hurricane Andrew. My family lived in Fort Myers at the time, and our family businesses were on Sanibel Island. For Hurricane Andrew we closed up our little mom-and-pop style motels on…

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Don’t Let Your Year-End Review Get Heavy

I think it’s because reflection is so valuable that we often fail to do it. In our desperate need for fresh insights, new motivation, and a sense of accomplishment, the reflection process looms larger than life. And if asking questions about our recent past begins to feel heavy, we delay doing it until we can…

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Stress Rescue Routine: E.A.S.E.

Stress Rescue Routine: E.A.S.E. Stress doesn’t have to kill us. But sometimes we need a rescue from the chaos that has swallowed us. Learning how to respond well to stress allows us to stay energized enough to care for others, rather than being burnt out and irritable. It also allows us to work smarter and…

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The No Goal Guide to Getting What You Want in 2018

At this time of year, we’re bombarded with goal setting ideas and strategies from EVERYWHERE! And they appeal to us because we all want more of something: more health, more positive relationships, more meaning, more financial security… We’re convinced that if we could just identify our goals, we’d be able to achieve them. But here’s…

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Wild + Brave Thanksgiving Challenge

Whether you’ve got a big turkey dinner planned or not, chances are good you’re planning to do something to acknowledge the holiday tomorrow. And while it’s great that “Thanksgiving Day” gives us in the USA an annual excuse to stop and practice gratitude, it actually can become challenging not to let the day pass us by in busyness.  …

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Holiday Survival Toolkit Part 2 – Stop Saying Thank You

Hey everyone! Welcome to the Holiday Survival Toolkit video series. Last week, we shared a tool to build positive relationships with your family that can help you experience the holidays in a more intentional way. This tool of intention is a quick way to nurture and build your family instead of stress you out! Today…

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A Mid-Year Love Note from Megan Hendrix

Hello You! You did it! You made it through the first half of 2016!!! I’ve been thinking about you so much lately—about how proud I am of you and how much I’ve enjoyed learning with you in 2016. So I recorded a little something you can listen to and remember how awesome you are. I…

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Grateful for Gratitude

One thing I love about Thanksgiving is seeing people sharing what they are most thankful for. This year, I think what I am most thankful for is…gratitude. That may sound weird, but practicing gratitude has changed my life! Scientific research has conclusively shown that practicing gratitude can boost your immune system, lower your blood pressure, decrease anxiety, make you more creative, productive, likable, and happy! Practicing gratitude doesn’t cost anything, can be done anywhere, and takes just a few minutes.

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