Become Time Rich

I’ve been thinking about time wealth a lot lately. Some thinkers who talk about escaping time poverty seem to do so with an undeniable flavor of privilege. They leave us thinking we have to achieve a certain level of affluence and power so we can make choices that protect our time, often by trading part…

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What is Competitive Selection?

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Life is never just one thing. Take today for example. I slept in, fixed a fancy homemade coconut latte, and sat down to work in my fuzzy clean slippers. (The Good) The sleep in was sponsored by a persistent ringing in my left ear, and a growing wave…

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3 Ways to Enjoy Your Life More

3 Ways to Enjoy Your Life More Be Aware Be Wowed Be Wild   Maybe your life needs big changes. Or your workplace needs a personality replacement. But we can’t always wait for things to change before we enjoy our lives more. Whether you’re riding out a hurricane or tough quarter at work, enjoying your…

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Deliberate Sanity – Life in Low Gear

Today it took me a good hour to make a snack. I didn’t get distracted with texting friends, or pause mid-prep to dance to music. A few years back, that would be the only reason a 20 minute activity would have tripled in duration. But today the work was silent, methodical, deliberate. No attempt to…

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Self-Dismissive Labeling (Growth Traps)

Sneaky Growth Traps This month I want to cover some of the growth traps that munch us. They’re habits, behaviors, and mindsets that sneak into our lives, and limit or prevent growth. They do this while giving us a false sense of permission, safety, stability, or truth. They’re tricky like that. One Growth Trap that…

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Getting to the Other Side of Suffering

Before the “almost category 5” hurricane Ian made a direct hit on my home town, I was learning a lot about how great thinkers have handled suffering and trouble. In my reading, coaching conversations, and coffee walks with friends in the park I had been chewing through the more existential side of suffering. Does suffering…

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After the Storm [Hurricane Ian 2022]

It’s been intimidating trying to capture the experiences of the storm we just weathered here in southwest Florida.  The first hurricane I remember was Hurricane Andrew. My family lived in Fort Myers at the time, and our family businesses were on Sanibel Island. For Hurricane Andrew we closed up our little mom-and-pop style motels on…

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Sharing Needles

Sharing Needles    Today I’m laid back in a lazy boy, sharing needles with half a dozen other humans at my local community acupuncture clinic. Each of us in our butt palaces, drawn up around a circle, with a doctor of Chinese medicine floating counter clockwise to put needles into us. I will look like…

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Go Get Your Silence

A Moment of Silence I had a second of silence this week. Lately my ears ring constantly, but for an instant, the roar of tinnitus blinked.  It’s only happened twice in the last 358 days. But it wasn’t guaranteed to happen at all.  The doctors don’t know why I’m suddenly super sensitive to sound, or…

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Use Your Body to Build a Resilient Mind

A Stress Reduction Technique from the Wild + Brave Coaching Archive This live coaching originally broadcast on June 11, 2020 and features Wild + Brave’s Coach Morgan Hendrix, and several Wild + Brave Humans (thank you to Johnna, Willian, and Anthony for contributing to the live conversation) who added their insights to the live coaching…

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