Tools We Use (and Recommend)

We're Not Big Affiliates
One thing you’ll learn quickly about Wild + Brave is that we don’t use Amazon affiliate marketing as a part of our business model. We don’t like the idea that our recommendations and examples could become self-serving. We don’t want to profit from purchases you make for everyday items. We don’t want to mixed motives of knowing we get a slice of the gadget we turned you on to. So we canceled our Amazon Affiliate account.
In fact, we love that with sellers like Amazon you can often set up your account to donate what would have been the affiliate commission to go to your favorite non-profit or charity instead. We think you should get to do that, instead of dribbling a small percentage of your purchases into our bank account.
But there are a few companies we have deep experience with who we are affiliated with. These handful of products and services listed below are ones we often manage or use on behalf of our clients. By being a registered affiliate some companies allow us to be associated with your account and give us greater access to help manage for you. We often get a small commission if you sign up.
For full transparency, here’s an inventory of the companies we currently have affiliate / expert accounts with:
Services and Tools that we are Affiliates for are:
Google Workspace:
Setting up custom email, an organized digital filing system, and integrated task and time management is one of the things coach Morgan alone has done for over 50 small businesses and counting. Google Workspace (with their integrated suite of Apps like Google Docs, YouTube, Google Calendar and Tasks) can help you automate, focus, and streamline your work and personal life. It can also help you draw meaningful boundaries between the two so that you can close that digital door when the workday is done. Many of the entrepreneurs we work with who are setting up their first website or need a custom email for their brand hire us to set this up. When we do, we do it as authorized Google Workspace affiliates. That we can have your back, and the giants of Google can have ours.
How Wild + Brave Uses Google Workspace:
No prevarication here, we use Google Workspace for everything. Though coach Morgan doesn’t lean heavily on some apps like Google Tasks (Morgan personally prefers an awesome task app called ToDoist), we store our files in Google Drive, handle our custom email hosting for WildAndBrave.com, automagically schedule Free Coaching Sessions into our Google Calendar, and spreadsheet our hearts out with Google Workspaces everyday, and have done so for over a decade.
If you want to use our Google Workspaces Affiliate Link, here it is.
Okay in our opinion, Canva is one of the best design tools out there. With built-in stock photos and video clips, it makes getting started on marketing and design projects as painless as possible. Features that allow for sharing projects to get feedback (or help) from a friend make it easy to crowdsource without having version issues. Like any tool, it can take some getting used to. And even experienced users keep finding new features and functions all the time.
How Wild + Brave uses Canva:
Canva is where we design all of our blog banners and featured images. We often use it to create quick videos or social media content for clients. It's a great tool. We don't use programs like Photoshop or iMovie. For the most part we use something called Descript (which is awesome, by the way) for making transcripts and, OBS for big-level video production. But for quick clips and text or image-driven videos, Canva does the trick!
If you want to use our Canva Affiliate Link, here it is.
AWeber Email Marketing:
We currently use a mixture of email marketing and customer nurturing products for our own marketing at Wild + Brave. And we have setup auto-responders, email funnels, and freebie sequences for creatives and busy professionals alike. While every email marketing provider seems to have their pros and cons, AWeber seems to give the greatest amount of control and clarity for professionals who want to keep straight a variety of marketing funnels and automated marketing streams. With their native form functions, and configurable “success pages,” AWeber can help you achieve many of the goals that more expensive systems do, all with a robust email design and contact development structure. (Compared to MailChimp which is one of our other favorite email marketing tools, AWeber seems to let you customize and control more of what your forms look like, and assign fine tuned forms for each different funnel or platform you want to use it on. This can require third party integrations and extra effort with many other email marketing options.) AWeber is also a fabulous platform to start on for professionals or creatives who are starting their list at less than 100 contacts. Instead of a brief trial (those are always over before you’re sure you can use a tool, aren’t they?), AWeber lets you use their robust email marketing system for free until you pass the 500 subscriber mark. Since the early subscribers can take some time to acquire, it really takes the pressure off the startup budget to have a top quality marketing system for no cost in the beginning.
How Wild + Brave uses AWeber Email Marketing:
We still like AWeber’s intuitive form flows so much that we keep our AWeber account for emergency funnels we want to create quickly with a focused marketing autoresponder. We also maintain more than a few AWeber marketing strategies for our coaching clients. For full disclosure, we have moved our major email nurturing over to Mailchimp because we were craving some more intuitive metrics with our subscribers.
If you want to use our AWeber Affiliate Link, here it is.
Roboform Password Keeper
Passwords are probably the biggest source of wasted time, delayed projects, and professional embarrassment. Okay maybe that’s an exaggeration, but don’t you just hate it when you can’t get into accounts you know you’ve setup? The hardest thing about keeping our passwords safe (and keeping them at all) is that we try to remember them.
If you try to remember your passwords for things, chances are that you don’t have a very safe password. Maybe you’ve taken it up a notch, and you’ve added special characters like an ! or a $. And maybe you even threw some numbers in there! Chances are, you’ve picked numbers that have some significance (so you can remember them). Numbers like your birth year, or graduation year, or birth of a child. Words could be pets names, or a nickname you’ve had since childhood. Because those numbers and words have significance to you, they probably show up as associated with you online…which makes them likely guesses if anyone ever tried to aggregate your data and hack you.
But even if that doesn’t happen, there’s another problem. You probably use it everywhere. And guess what? Your password is only as safe as the riskiest place you’ve used it. Even big companies get their customer databases hacked from time to time. I don’t say this to scare you, but to just put it out there that it might be time to start using encryption, a safe system that creates unique passwords, monitors if the company you’re using it with has been compromised so you can update your account, and allows you to access the information anywhere. That’s what Roboform does, and we’ve used it for years.
How Wild + Brave uses Roboform:
We use Roboform to keep our data safe. Coach Morgan also personally uses Roboform for her own personal accounts, and has done so since 2011. The key here is that we actively use it. It’s important to get comfortable with how your password keeper logs, labels, and retrieves your passwords so you aren’t constantly frustrated with it. Once you get comfortable, you are home free.
If you want to use our Roboform Affiliate Link, here it is.
The world seems full of task apps. We like this one. Make your lists as simple or complex as you like, setup Kanban Boards (think Trello), or make a clean list of to-dos. One of the best things about this app (aside from the teeny, tiny price tag) is that it’s coded for intuitive typing. For example, I could type “Floss my Dog every third Thursday @ChoresIHate P3” – and it would schedule it for every third Thursday of the month (starting the next one to come), label it with the group of tasks in the “Chores I Hate” category, and flag it as a priority of 3 (since let’s face it…I won’t want to do it when the time comes.) True, this is written by Coach Morgan who doesn’t have a dog, but it’s a more fun example than the real tasks I was scheduling today.
The truth is, this is such an inexpensive tool (yet so superior to the other free tools), that it feels like a no-brainer to us. No pressure to use our Affiliate link if you don’t want to, but we do like to be transparent about the fact that we are affiliated.
How Wild + Brave uses ToDoist:
This is the primary app that Coach Morgan uses to manage her tasks. Whether she’s working on her book, keeping up with friends’ birthdays, or creating Kanban boards for client projects, ToDoist is where she does it. (Company-wide tasks often also appear in our Hubspot, which is our CRM. But let’s tackle Customer Relationship Managers later, shall we?) Because this tool integrates with HourStack (the time management tool we use here at Wild + Brave), it becomes the bridge for evaluating where our time is going, all driven by the projects we put in ToDoist.
If you want to use our Affiliate Link for ToDoist, here it is.
That’s it for now, but we’ll keep this page updated as our usages and affiliations change. If you have questions about these tools or others, feel free to schedule a Free Coaching Session with us. We’d love to connect with you about the Wild + Brave things you’re pursuing!
Most recent update: 2/11/22 by Coach Morgan
Wild + Brave Coach. Ghostwriter. Author of Think Wild.
Schedule a Free Coaching Session with Morgan