Wild + Brave is a way of life. Breaking out of what's holding you back and creating anything worth having always requires taking brave action. But breaking out is always difficult...unless you have a tiny box giving you a hand.
Each Wild + Brave Box helps you break out simply and effectively. One box is designed to help create team culture, another to help you level up your leadership. The original Wild + Brave box is for any human who wants to live their own adventure.
Coming soon the Wild + Brave FAITH box is for people who want to live a dangerous, exciting spiritual life. Learn more about each box below, get your own, and connect with us on Social Media!
The Wild+Brave Box
This tiny Box can help you think wild thoughts and take brave action!
In the box, you'll find everything you need to go up against 20 science-based challenges, a Wild + Brave Sport Band to keep Wild + Brave at the front of your mind, and even a mini sharpie to check off the challenges as you complete them. It all fits in the little Wild + Brave Box so it can go wherever you do!
What would you do if you're brave?
What wild ideas do you have that need to be backed by brave action?
If you're like most people, you could use a simple way to break out and build more brave into your life. If you let this tiny box into your life, it will make everything simple. By the time you beat The Box, you will have made big strides in your relationships, work, and energy. You'll have more confidence, and know yourself better than ever.
Can you beat the box?
20 science-backed (and totally fun!) challenges to help you replace fear and procrastination with focused action!
Your very own Wild + Brave Sport Band + a mini Sharpie pen to let you check off the challenges as you complete them!
All 20 Challenge Cards + Wild + Brave Sport Band + mini Sharpie all fit inside a cute little box that you can carry with you! And SHIPPING IS FREE in the US!
- SHIPPING INCLUDED: No extra charge for the mailing elves.
- GIFT-ABLE: The box is packed with love and pizzazz, perfect for a gift! No purchase information is included, so you can order the Wild + Brave Box mailed directly to your lucky friends and team members.
- SHIPS IN USA: This first run of the Wild + Brave Box is only available in the continental US. Please email us at wbbox@wildandbrave.com if you want to request a Box outside our current distribution!
- BE SMART: All the challenges contained in the Wild + Brave Box are only to suggestions. The Wild + Brave Squad at Hendrix Coaching & Consulting cannot assume any responsibility for actions taken while using the box.
- LEARN MORE: Visit us on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WBBox, and check out our Instagram: www.Instagram.com/WBBoxOfficial. We look forward to watching you live Wild + Brave!
Wild + Brave™ and the Wild + Brave Box™ are Trademarks of Hendrix Coaching & Consulting. All rights reserved.