We’re All Farmers
My grandmother was one of the wildest and bravest women I knew! I wanted to grow up to be just like her - a farmer!
My happiest childhood memories were summers spent playing and working on her farm. My days were filled with fun and adventure and without knowing it- I learned some amazing life lessons.
Each planting season, my grandmother told me two things:
#1 “You only reap IF you sow: If we want sweet corn this summer…we have to plant it ahead of time.”
#2 “You only reap WHAT you sow: Tomato seeds produce tomatoes and lettuce seeds produce lettuce.”
As she put the tiny seeds in my hand, she said, “Don’t let this little seed fool you. It’s packed with energy and promise. But to let it out, we have to plant it.”
She also taught me that I was actually planting seeds every day - even when I left the farm. And it was totally up to me to choose the seeds, depending on what I wanted to see grow.
If I wanted my classmates to be kind to me, I could plant seeds of kindness in them. If I wanted my brother and sister to share with me, I could plant seeds of generosity in them.
When I was 13, I remember breaking the news to her that I didn’t really want to be a farmer- I wanted to be a teacher. I thought she’d be devastated but she said - “Oh honey, we’re all farmers!”
My grandmother has an eighth grade education, but she was a genius!
Each of us sow seeds every day. A thought, a word, an action filled with enough energy and potential to create powerful change - in us and in others.
We’re all farmers!
If you’re still reading, here's a seed for you:
There is no one else in the universe exactly like you. You are uniquely gifted and filled with potential. And each time you share your energy and personality, the world grows a little brighter. Share your #wildandbrave!