Why Ideas Die

We have thousands of ideas each day.
Some are good, some are bad, some are just plain ugly…and some are WILD! Wild ideas are possibilities. They aren’t fully formed or even realistic — they’re just wild.
Your wild ideas are the "outside of the box ideas:" Ideas of how to innovate, create, and grow. Wild ideas have the potential to change our life — if we capture them.
The problem is that wild ideas have a very short shelf life. Unlike fear thoughts or negative thoughts that seem to hang around, wild thoughts come and go faster than a speeding bullet.
They’re hard to capture and they’re hard to keep alive. There’s one thing that’s easy about wild ideas, though. They’re easy to kill.
There are so many ways to kill a wild idea:
- We research them to death. We research how, and where, and when, and who. And before we know it, we’ve drowned the little idea in details.
- We neglect our idea. We don’t give it any time to grow. We expect results immediately and when we don’t get what we want, we pull the plug.
- We get help killing the idea. Sometimes we tell someone about our idea and they shoot down it down for us. We don’t even have to lift a finger.
But the weapon most used on a wild ideas is fear.
Fear is enemy #1!
And each time we kill a wild idea, we widen the gap between where we are right now and where we want to be.
The good news is there is a simple way to give our wild ideas the fighting chance they deserve. We need to act brave.
Taking brave action is simply taking one step — the next step — in the direction of your wild idea. It isn’t formulating a plan or evaluating everything, it's doing one thing. Maybe it’s writing your idea down, or making a voice memo on your phone, or marking your calendar with a time to think about your idea.
Brave action is an action you’re willing to take now. You don’t have to know anything beyond what the very next step is to be brave.
Brave action keeps your wild ideas alive long enough to find out if they are worth fighting for.
Everything you want is on the other side of fear! But the only way to get what you really want is to take brave action!
Someone once said that the graveyard is the richest place in the world — not because of gold or silver buried among the dead, but because of the amazing, world-changing ideas that have died because the people who had them were not willing to execute and take risks. To think wild and act brave.
Don’t murder any more ideas…
Keep thinking wild and acting brave.
Wild + Brave Ambassador
Jeane is a Registered Nurse as well as a coach and thinking partner. Check out more of Jeane's articles if you like learning about the science of well being, thriving as a family, and encouragement for your Wild + Brave Faith practice.