Why People Pay for Coaching
People Hire Coaches Every Day.
But why? What can a professional coach do that a caring friend doesn't already offer? And hiring a business coach - shouldn't you be going to your boss for that kind of thing?
We all have things happening in our lives. Some mixture of decisions that need making, people to get along with, opportunities to evaluate, and an uncertain future to navigate. Most of us sense that we can be more than we are...that our performance could be better..that there is untapped potential in at least some area of our lives. And we often need to make sense of patterns in our lives so we can make a shift away from repeated drama.
Stuck in Fast Forward with No Progress.
But life grinds on, day in and day out, a sticky weave of habits and environmental factors outside of our control. There’s a manic inertia to modern life - even in our rapid movement through busy days we don’t seem to be getting anywhere. Breaking through the level you are at to expand your life, improve your results, or find real fulfillment usually requires some fresh thinking, clear strategy, and consistent reinforcement.
I could stop there and say that’s why people get coaching.
Fresh Thinking.
Clear Strategy.
Consistent Reinforcement.
But why is it we can’t just get those three things from the people already in our lives? Our friends, partners, and mentors want to help us right? Shouldn’t we be able to get that from them?
For the most part, the people in our lives who are knowledgeable enough about our challenges to think with us about them are also involved in them in some way. Your mom loves you enough to talk through the hard truth of your medical condition - but every time you share your pain she feels it as your mom, not just intellectually understanding it as a thinking partner. Your boss may want to keep an open mind about the conflict you’re having with a team member, but he can’t help but feel the drain on company resources everytime he hears about it. Whether out of compassion or self-interest, the other people involved in the situation have agendas that tilt any conversation you have. This makes it really hard for them to give us the fresh thinking, unbiased strategy, and judgement-free reinforcement we need to make changes. We need someone outside of it all to help us if we’re going to make it happen. Someone who isn’t judging us, and who won’t make us pay later by treating us different or remembering our struggle.
A Fresh Headspace.
Non-Judgmental Curiosity.
No Fallout.
Hiring the right coach can put a qualified thinking partner in your corner to help you stay fresh and keep progressing in life. Some coaches will support you in a specific situation, others for a season of life. Whether you talk to a coach once or weekly, coaching can give you the clear space to process information well, evaluate opportunities or difficulties, and execute plans for the meaningful life you want to have.
Here at Wild + Brave we do all of that. It’s an honor to hold the coaching space, and offer the fresh thinking, strategy, and ongoing support that helps you embrace your life and really live.
Experience Coaching Free.
Here at Wild + Brave, you don’t have to take coaching on faith. If you’ve never had a coaching session with us before, schedule a free coaching session to experience it first hand. We believe everyone in the world should have a coach in their corner. We’d love to be that for you, even if it’s just once, no strings attached.
Schedule Your Free Coaching!
If you haven't had an awesome coaching experience, we'd like to change that. There's a reason high performers in any field invest time and resources to hire the right coach.
In the coaching space, you have the focused attention, unconditional positive regard, and deep experience of someone who can support and stretch your thinking. It's a game changer, and we want everyone to experience the power of coaching first hand.
Choose a time from our Online Calendar, and connect with a Wild + Brave Coach right away!
You choose whether you want a phone or online video conference for your free coaching session, and can choose a convenient time in our online calendar.
You may also use our online calendar to schedule a time to talk if you have questions about our programs and services. Choosing the right coaching membership, action group, or leadership resource can be easier if you can ask your questions in real time.
So don't be shy! We look forward to connecting with you!.