Wild + Brave Back to School

Tomorrow is the big day here in Lee County, FL…first day back to school! Wherever you are, whatever the age of your children (from pre-school to college), everyone has fear and apprehension about their #LittleWilds and #TinyBraves jaunting off into the unknown.

Will their teacher really see them and look after them? Will the new kids be mean? Will their old friends suddenly be “too cool”? Will they be scared, tired, confused, hurt? The list goes on and on.

There are so many real fears that parents face every single time their precious little humans walk out the door. But after you’ve separated those out and decided it’s time to open the door, what is the attitude and outlook you want your kids to take with them into this fresh new school year? Is it fear and apprehension? Is it worry and self-focus?

Or is it hope, adventure, kindness, curiosity?

It’s so easy to send your kids off with “Be safe!” Or “Make Good Choices!”

But what if we started sending our little people off into the world more excited about what could go well than worried about what will go wrong? More open to new experiences and friends and less anxious things will change? More tuned into the moment than freaking out about the future?

It’s a tall order, so here are a couple of tips for making this school year a #WildAndBrave one:

BEFORE SCHOOL: Ask your kids to pick a word for the day…anything they really want. This is a way of exerting agency in their day and having a positive intention to center on.

AFTER SCHOOL: Ask your kids to share something that went well at school.

BEFORE BED: Celebrate their first day of school! No matter how the day went, make sure you have some fun together.

And pat yourself on the back...you’re doing a great job 🙌