Your Self-Talk Determines Your Direction
We talk to ourselves all the time. Actually we say 300 to 1,000 words an hour to ourselves...and a LOT of them are negative!
If you could catalogue your thoughts from the past hour, would they be inspiring and encouraging thoughts that challenge you to move forward? Or would they be discouraging, self deprecating thoughts that keep you stuck?
I mention it because today I was caught in the negative swirly. It doesn't happen a lot, but what was going on in my head this morning wasn't pretty!
We can’t stop thinking. Our brains won’t allow a vacuum. But we can crowd out the negative with a thought that is true, good, and positive. One that would makes us feel strong and courageous not weak and ineffective.
#WildIdea: We can choose what we think about.
So I chose a thought I could count on. One that I knew was noble and true, "For God did not give me a spirit of fear. but a spirit of power, of love and self-control." - 2 Timothy 1:7
I said it aloud, I wrote it on a sticky note and stuck it to my computer screen, and I let it take root in my mind for a few minutes. This one powerful truth interrupted my negative thought swirly, and enabled me to get back to work on my new project. The project didn't get easier, but my focus is a lot clearer!
Instead of “Wow, you’re really behind schedule. Maybe this isn't a good idea. What if you can’t pull this off?”
I’m thinking, “I’m fearless, I’m effective, and what I’m doing is valuable.”
Words matter - especially the ones we say to ourselves.
If you're stuck on a project, not accomplishing your goals or feel like you’re spinning your wheels, maybe you should investigate your self talk. You have too many important things to do and share to let your own words sabotage you!
What we whisper to ourselves will determine the direction of our lives.
If you have an effective strategy for silencing your inner critic, please share. We’re always #bettertogether #wildandbravefaith