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Think Wild

Mental Growth Tactics for Brave Humans

We all experience life through the windows of our minds. Feeling connected, inspired, and satisfied with life depends on how well we can see and capture the world using our mental faculties. Professional success and creative productivity demand that we see the world around us clearly yet imagine new ways to engage reality every day. How we think in this moment can set off cascades of courage, confidence, and authentic energy for life—especially when we Think Wild.

Learn twelve mental growth tactics to use the brain's innate functions to overcome anxiety and distraction, leverage stress for health and success, enjoy life, improve memory and wisdom, and get more done with confidence and flow. Written by a professional life and business coach, this tactical guide is engineered for action. Play with the ideas in this book. They will strengthen your mental muscles for engaging life’s joys and challenges with your most present, resilient self.

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Bonus Material

Preview Think Wild

Preview the introduction and first Mental Growth Tactic from Think Wild by Morgan Hendrix.

Guided Lovingkindness Meditation

Download a free guided meditation by occupational therapist Megan Hendrix as she leads you through the wishes that can shift your stress response from Alert to Buddy Up.

Just as I wish to...may you...

More Bonus Material

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Check back for free tools, worksheets, and extended research to help you Think Wild...

Learn Growth Tactics for Brave Humans

More by the Author

Morgan Hendrix

Wild + Brave Coach

Wild + Brave Ambassador, Rooftop Tent Camper, National Park Addict, and Author of Think Wild.

Contact Morgan

Productivity is magic because

By Megan Hendrix | July 23, 2018

  Comment below if you needed this reminder! Whatever you’re hustling toward this Monday, remember…you are more than your to-do list “Productivity is magic because of what it lets us focus on: the people we love, the places we want to see, the truly important things we can experience and contribute.” – Megan Hendrix

(Salsa) Congresswoman Morgan

By Megan Hendrix | July 22, 2018

We’re so excited for Morgan! She won a full pass to the Atlanta Salsa Congress! (We’ve been calling her “Congresswomen” ALL DAY! Here’s what Morgan says: “I can’t believe I WON! A full pass to the #AtlantaSalsaCongress And man, what an awesome night of #CasinoRueda salsa tonight. When I count my blessings I always remember…

Which Marvel Superhero are You Based on Your Productivity Style?

By Morgan Hendrix | July 21, 2018

You’re Not Too Late

By Jeane Hendrix | July 20, 2018

You’re not too late, too old, too young, or too unqualified to pursue your purpose. Caleb was 85 years old when he volunteered to attack a city of giants for his country. David was a shepherd boy when he defeated a professional warrior named Goliath. Rahab was an outcast when she helped an army capture…

Your Self-Talk Determines Your Direction

By Jeane Hendrix | July 13, 2018

We talk to ourselves all the time. Actually we say 300 to 1,000 words an hour to ourselves…and a LOT of them are negative! If you could catalogue your thoughts from the past hour, would they be inspiring and encouraging thoughts that challenge you to move forward? Or would they be discouraging, self deprecating thoughts…

24 Hour Worry Challenge

By Jeane Hendrix | July 11, 2018

Can I get an “AMEN?!” Every time we worry our body responds by releasing cortisol. Increased cortisol levels interrupt our sleep, contribute to depression, compromise our immune system, and make us susceptible to debilitating diseases. Worry is stealing our present and our future! Still we worry. Worrying never produces solutions to real problems. Most of…

Why You Should LOL

By Megan Hendrix | July 1, 2018

For thousands of years, we have all heard that laughter is the best medicine. Whether your problem is physical, mental, or emotional, it is good to remember what Mark Twain said, “Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” I know that even on a good day, I love to laugh, and I love to hear the laughter of people I care about. Today, many professionals are finding that laughter is literally what the doctor ordered.

Name It And Tame It

By Megan Hendrix | June 22, 2018

 Welcome to the Wild + Brave + Coffee: NAME it and TAME It! Thanks for everyone who participated in our LIVE conversation – you made it awesome. But Megan’s voice ended up sounding really strange, so she recorded this video to walk you through today’s Wild Idea + Brave Action + CHALLENGE!  This week at #wildandbrave…

The X-Spot: Performance and Your Family

By Jeane Hendrix | June 22, 2018

Going the Distance When I was young, my dad loved to hike and explore the woods and he invited me to go with him. As a youngster, I always started hiking with enthusiasm, but I didn’t always want to go the distance with him. Even though I had told my dad that I really wanted…

Desk Vacation Challenge

By Jeane Hendrix | June 20, 2018

  Today my heart is at the beach but my body is at my desk. So when my Fitbit reminded me to move – I got up from my desk, closed my eyes and took a mini mental vacation to my favorite beach. As I took a few slow deep breaths, I could feel the…