Why I’m Not an Amazon Affiliate Anymore

Why I’m Not an Amazon Affiliate Anymore
Lots of coaches and consultants support their revenue model by getting a tiny percentage of the sales they refer over to Amazon. In fact there was a time when we did it too.
But then it felt weird.
If you know me as a friend, you know I’m constantly reading some new book, or using some new tool to make cooking or filming or life-organizing easier. When I’m working as a coach, part of my job is helping my clients find more effortless ways to do things. Sometimes we brainstorm how to better use the tools they already have.
But sometimes a new gadget or tool can genuinely improve life, create a process, or automate work that’s dragging you down.
In the end, it’s important to me that I be able to brainstorm solutions, and not have any mixed purpose. I want my friends and clients to know that I’m not treating them as means to the end of referral income.
So If I text you about a book I’m reading, it’s not so that you’ll boost my revenue. And if I send you a link to some magical cooking do-dad, it’s really just because I’m in love with it.
Neither I Morgan Hendrix, nor Wild + Brave as company are Amazon Affiliates anymore. Maybe it seems like affiliate marketing would be a good fit for us, since we do a lot of free coaching, group challenges, and inspirational training here.
There is a very short list of products and services that we are authorized experts with, which we are affiliated with. You can read our detailed assessments of each service or product, how we use them, and why we’ve decided to have authorized affiliate accounts.
But Amazon Affiliate is not one of them.
So enjoy the gadgets, book recommends, and organization tools linked in any of our posts, knowing that we’re just sharing things we love, no strings attached.
PS: If you haven’t been introduced to Amazon Smile yet, you might want to check it out. When you’re not using an affiliate link, you can opt in to have Amazon give what would have gone to an affiliate to a nonprofit or charity instead. It’s a cool way to support the good in the world, without it costing you any extra!
Wild + Brave Coach. Ghostwriter. Author of Think Wild.
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