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Stop Telling Tidy Stories

By Morgan Hendrix | September 16, 2021

Change How We Share Our Experience Enjoy an episode of the Wild + Brave Life Podcast, by Coach Morgan Hendrix, and Lew Hastings, tackling the Obituary Effect, Perfectionism in Storytelling, and how a small change in the way we share our experiences can reduce loneliness, alienation, and suicide. What we often do is tell Tidy…

Stress Rescue Routine: E.A.S.E.

By Morgan Hendrix | August 19, 2021

Stress Rescue Routine: E.A.S.E. Stress doesn’t have to kill us. But sometimes we need a rescue from the chaos that has swallowed us. Learning how to respond well to stress allows us to stay energized enough to care for others, rather than being burnt out and irritable. It also allows us to work smarter and…

Dealing with Disruption & Uncertainty

By Morgan Hendrix | August 13, 2021

What can we do when life goes crazy around us? Changes, chaos, uncertainty, and seasons of waiting can cause massive disruption to our equilibrium. Even positive events, and exciting activities (like a wedding, job change, or vacation) are still disruptors in our ordinary lives.  And then there’s the bad stuff. I’m sorry. I could use…

Develop a Deep Work Practice

By Morgan Hendrix | July 22, 2021

Building a Deep Work Practice: Week 1 Have you ever heard of a “Deep Work Practice”? This week we’re launching a Summer Live content series called Build a Deep Work Practice. Why do we care about deep work? Because deep work* is a huge part of Finding your Wild Rhythm and experiencing Epic Growth! If…

How to Form Multiple Habits

By Morgan Hendrix | January 28, 2021

  Often, we don’t just need one thing to be better; several things need to change. People often ask me what the research says about forming habits. Is it better to just focus on changing one thing at a time, or should you create a whole cluster of new behaviors at once to really make…

Books to Transform Your (Work)Life

By Morgan Hendrix | March 6, 2020

One of the most frequent questions we get on our Free Coaching Calls and in conversations with Wild + Brave Humans on social media is “do you have some book recommendations? What can I read to add to learn more and live better?” I think it’s because we’re always sharing great research from the field…

Time to “Work Happy”

By Morgan Hendrix | March 2, 2020

Introducing “Work Happy” Here at Wild + Brave, we believe that your experience of work matters. Being engaged at work is a key ingredient to living a vibrant life. We also believe that if we do not learn to engage with work in a vibrant way, we will be caught in a waiting pattern and…

3 Reasons We Fail to Change

By Morgan Hendrix | January 10, 2020

There’s something about the way we try to make changes that really isn’t working for us. Let’s find a new approach for 2020. New Year, New You This week is a special week in the world. This is the week that many social researchers tell us that the first massive group of humans who made…

Recovering From Compassion Fatigue

By Morgan Hendrix | December 11, 2019

Time for an adventure… For some of you reading this, you know me pretty well by now. As an adventurer, rooftop tent camper, and lover of all things wild + brave…you may be hoping my advice for recovering from compassion fatigue is that you must escape it. Perhaps a 4-day weekend in the mountains, or…

Strength Through Whole-Heartedness

By Morgan Hendrix | November 8, 2019

Catch This Week’s Replay: Bringing Whole-Heartedness to Your Life There’s something that powers vibrance. Something we need to cultivate to become vibrant in life. In the next 7 weeks, we’re going to explore some Wild Ideas in pursuit of a VIBRANT life. You may have seen our #BeVibrant theme on social media. We’re getting ready…

The Next 5 Strokes

By Morgan Hendrix | October 23, 2019

To set October off on the right foot, I went exploring.  Not big exploring for weeks on end, out in the middle of nowhere. But close exploring in a tiny patch of Wild Florida I hadn’t seen in my 33 years as a native. If you’re used to cities having more than 100 people in…

How to Use StrengthsFinders

By Morgan Hendrix | September 10, 2019

Don’t let your Strengths languish on a list. Build your ability to “consistently provide near-perfect performance” with a simple Growth Formula. Watch this week’s Free Coaching Replay to learn from the StrengthsFinder 2.0 framework something you can use right where you are.   What is StrengthsFinder?(aka CliftonStrengths) There are 34 Themes (what they call strengths).…

Demystifying Your Strengths

By Morgan Hendrix | September 4, 2019

Strengths don’t come with a universal set of labels. You have unique strengths you can grow right where you are. For all the dozens of strengths tests available to us, it can still be tough to get started “living in your strengths.” But it’s amazing what happens when you stop investing time to shore up…

Cultivating Optimism to Become Resilient

By Morgan Hendrix | July 4, 2019

Optimism isn’t being happy, or putting a positive spin on life. In fact, the scientific definition of Optimism borrowed from the field of positive psychology, has the power to transform our experience of life, and bring more resilience to every situation. The Scientific Definition of Optimism Here at Wild + Brave we keep company with…

Conquering Avoidance to Become Present

By Morgan Hendrix | June 27, 2019

We may be able to avoid something for a while…but we can’t avoid the consequences of putting it off. Sometimes we underestimate how much energy we’re burning by avoiding stuff. The choice to “not think about it” takes energy, and we risk fallout when we leave things on the avoidance pile. This summer, since our…

Transforming Negative Environments (the easy way)

By Morgan Hendrix | June 18, 2019

What if you could profoundly improve your environment by changing the way you handle some tiny things? Usually when an environment is toxic, negative, or stressful for any reason; we pull back. We may compartmentalize our personality, watch what we say, and try to sneak by under the radar. Or we may get on the…

Worry ≠ Love

By Morgan Hendrix | June 14, 2019

Sometimes we hang on to destructive habits simply because we haven’t recognized that they’re hurting us. Surprisingly, worry is one of the things that we often hold onto. Even though we know it drains and distracts us, maybe even noticing that it adds to our stress and decreases our problem solving ability, we still hold…

Add Meaning to the Mundane

By Morgan Hendrix | June 7, 2019

A Month of Being Present Kicking off the month of June, focused on being PRESENT has been a lot of fun. Since being present is a prerequisite to being able to enjoy our lives, it’s a great step toward having the summer you want. Whether peace at home, progress at work…or maybe some play on…

Why People Pay for Coaching

By Morgan Hendrix | June 5, 2019

People Hire Coaches Every Day.   But why? What can a professional coach do that a caring friend doesn’t already offer? And hiring a business coach – shouldn’t you be going to your boss for that kind of thing?   We all have things happening in our lives. Some mixture of decisions that need making,…

Wild + Brave Summercast

By Morgan Hendrix | May 31, 2019

A Forecast for the Summer We’re thrilled to announce a full calender of Wild + Brave this summer. For June, July, and August of this year, we have put together a fun lineup of free information, live coaching, and challenges to help you really embrace what summer has for you, your business, your family. Our…

Convert Your Checklist into an Action List

By Morgan Hendrix | May 12, 2019

We all need to get things done. So what do we do? We make a checklist! If you’re like me, you’ve had days where there are a half dozen, half-finished checklists hanging around. I’ve had days where I took a stack of these miserable lists, and used them to create a new checklist…one so long…

Change 101

By Morgan Hendrix | April 24, 2019

Welcome to Wild + Brave 101! During the month of April, we’re having a Free Live Series called Wild + Brave 101. Hosted each Wednesday in April on our our Facebook Page at 1pm Eastern, you will get to dive in for some practical, fun, scientifically-based coaching to help you have more Wild + Brave for yourself.…

Human 101

By Morgan Hendrix | April 17, 2019

Welcome to Wild + Brave 101! During the month of April, we’re having a Free Live Series called Wild + Brave 101. Hosted each Wednesday in April on our our Facebook Page at 1pm Eastern, you will get to dive in for some practical, fun, scientifically-based coaching to help you have more Wild + Brave for yourself.…

Brave 101

By Megan Hendrix | April 10, 2019

Welcome to Wild + Brave 101! During the month of April, we’re having a Free Live Series called Wild + Brave 101. Hosted each Wednesday in April on our our Facebook Page at 1pm Eastern, you will get to dive in for some practical, fun, scientifically-based coaching to help you have more Wild + Brave for yourself.…

Wild 101

By Megan Hendrix | March 28, 2019

Welcome to Wild + Brave 101! During the month of April, we’re having a Free Live Series called Wild + Brave 101. Hosted each Wednesday in April on our our Facebook Page at 1pm Eastern, you will get to dive in for some practical, fun, scientifically-based coaching to help you have more Wild + Brave…

Did You Know You Have a Productivity Style?

By Morgan Hendrix | February 18, 2019

Did you know you have a PRODUCTIVITY STYLE? Discover it and get more of the RIGHT things done WITH EASE and break the cycle of exhaustion and overwhelm. We know you’ve got goals, you’ve got dreams, you’ve got people you want to be there for. But the chaos of life and the piles of projects…

The Life Saving Power of TINY Steps

By Morgan Hendrix | December 7, 2018

Off the Beaten Path I’ve been spending a lot of time in 4 Wheel Drive. Dirt roads have been the good roads in a lot of the places I’ve visited lately. Often, the roads through Colorado, Utah, and Arizona have been built of rocks, gravel, ravines, and broken slabs of clay. “Why do you do this?” …

Don’t Just Get Through (Photo Journal)

By Morgan Hendrix | November 27, 2018

I’ve driven across Kansas a few times now. If you’ve ever been through Kansas, you know that there are a lot of open fields, miles of pastures and a horizon that seems to stretch forever. For most of us, the sheer novelty of the windmills and old barns and farming implements is enough to keep…

Recipe for the Turkeys at Your Table This Thanksgiving

By Megan Hendrix | November 20, 2018

Well, you Wild + Brave Humans have spoken about the “turkeys” in your holiday (AKA the “challenging” friends and family you might be slightly dreading.) 89% of you on Instagram voted that Yep – you’ve got turkeys around your table this Thanksgiving. 100% of you on Facebook voted Yep. So here we go, the promised…

Midterm Election Recovery

By Megan Hendrix | November 7, 2018

Midterm Elections Messing with Your Emotions? Check Out this Quick Recovery Guide through Emotional Agility! Well, we’ve been inundated with political ads, urged and encouraged to vote, and been faced with discussing our deepest fears, desires, insecurities, and hopes with total strangers because of this creature known as the Midterm Election.   And although it…

A Negotiation Technique You Can Use RIGHT NOW!

By Megan Hendrix | October 19, 2018

All of us are busy, none of us have extra time or resources. So what I’m sharing with you here, is a FREE TOOL right from Negotiation Bootcamp! It’s all about SAVING you time and money while GIVING you better results, revenue, and relationships.

Video: Megan and Morgan Answer Your Questions Negotiation Bootcamp

By Megan Hendrix | October 10, 2018

Friday Challenge: Get That Coffee Together!

By Megan Hendrix | September 14, 2018

When we feel stressed, hurried, or like we’re just not going to make it, the fear part of our brain takes over. And we literally see less: less options, less possibility, less worth and competence the people around us…we even lose some peripheral vision! This WILL happen in some way to each of us today,…

Tiny Questions to Change Your Life

By Morgan Hendrix | August 30, 2018

The Quality of Our Lives We grow up with lots of wise sayings haunting us. Some of them are even good advice. There was one saying like that in our family that seems suspiciously like my parents were angling for me to grow up to be a professional coach. But whether they were plotting or…

Wild + Brave Back to School

By Megan Hendrix | August 9, 2018

Tomorrow is the big day here in Lee County, FL…first day back to school! Wherever you are, whatever the age of your children (from pre-school to college), everyone has fear and apprehension about their #LittleWilds and #TinyBraves jaunting off into the unknown. Will their teacher really see them and look after them? Will the new…

Your Personal Invitation to Checklist Rehab

By Morgan Hendrix | July 27, 2018

What’s Checklist Rehab about and how does it work? Check out this personal invitation from coach Morgan Hendrix, where she helps you know what to expect. And you can always email Morgan directly with questions. ~ Learn and Leverage Your Productivity Style – #WorkSmarter ~ Master the Master Tasklists – #AllTheThings ~ Create Efficient Daily Checklists…

Dream Check Up

By Megan Hendrix | July 25, 2018

DREAM CHECK UP: have you fallen into the trap of just trying to do #allthethings? Have you dialed down your dreams so you can just DO MORE? (Oh, see that bus? We just threw ourselves under it too There’s #roomforallofus #underthebus ) Take 90 seconds for a mental vacation RIGHT NOW! Take a couple of…

13 Things You Didn’t Know About Morgan Hendrix

By Megan Hendrix | July 24, 2018

Whether you’re brand new to the Wild + Brave family or you’ve been with us for a long time, here are 13 fun facts about Wild + Brave Coach Morgan Hendrix in her own words that you probably didn’t know! 1️⃣ My food obsession is: the perfect burrito! 2️⃣ My super power is: Night Vision (I’m great…

May You Live Above Your Circumstances

By Jeane Hendrix | July 23, 2018

May you live Above your circumstances, Deeper than your calamities Beyond your capabilities. May you live your life with ease.   Maybe some of you find yourself in circumstances that are disappointing, or maybe you’re facing great hardships or a calamity in your life right now. As hard as you’ve tried, as brave as you’ve…

Productivity is magic because

By Megan Hendrix | July 23, 2018

  Comment below if you needed this reminder! Whatever you’re hustling toward this Monday, remember…you are more than your to-do list “Productivity is magic because of what it lets us focus on: the people we love, the places we want to see, the truly important things we can experience and contribute.” – Megan Hendrix

(Salsa) Congresswoman Morgan

By Megan Hendrix | July 22, 2018

We’re so excited for Morgan! She won a full pass to the Atlanta Salsa Congress! (We’ve been calling her “Congresswomen” ALL DAY! Here’s what Morgan says: “I can’t believe I WON! A full pass to the #AtlantaSalsaCongress And man, what an awesome night of #CasinoRueda salsa tonight. When I count my blessings I always remember…

Which Marvel Superhero are You Based on Your Productivity Style?

By Morgan Hendrix | July 21, 2018

You’re Not Too Late

By Jeane Hendrix | July 20, 2018

You’re not too late, too old, too young, or too unqualified to pursue your purpose. Caleb was 85 years old when he volunteered to attack a city of giants for his country. David was a shepherd boy when he defeated a professional warrior named Goliath. Rahab was an outcast when she helped an army capture…

Your Self-Talk Determines Your Direction

By Jeane Hendrix | July 13, 2018

We talk to ourselves all the time. Actually we say 300 to 1,000 words an hour to ourselves…and a LOT of them are negative! If you could catalogue your thoughts from the past hour, would they be inspiring and encouraging thoughts that challenge you to move forward? Or would they be discouraging, self deprecating thoughts…

24 Hour Worry Challenge

By Jeane Hendrix | July 11, 2018

Can I get an “AMEN?!” Every time we worry our body responds by releasing cortisol. Increased cortisol levels interrupt our sleep, contribute to depression, compromise our immune system, and make us susceptible to debilitating diseases. Worry is stealing our present and our future! Still we worry. Worrying never produces solutions to real problems. Most of…

Why You Should LOL

By Megan Hendrix | July 1, 2018

For thousands of years, we have all heard that laughter is the best medicine. Whether your problem is physical, mental, or emotional, it is good to remember what Mark Twain said, “Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” I know that even on a good day, I love to laugh, and I love to hear the laughter of people I care about. Today, many professionals are finding that laughter is literally what the doctor ordered.

Name It And Tame It

By Megan Hendrix | June 22, 2018

 Welcome to the Wild + Brave + Coffee: NAME it and TAME It! Thanks for everyone who participated in our LIVE conversation – you made it awesome. But Megan’s voice ended up sounding really strange, so she recorded this video to walk you through today’s Wild Idea + Brave Action + CHALLENGE!  This week at #wildandbrave…

The X-Spot: Performance and Your Family

By Jeane Hendrix | June 22, 2018

Going the Distance When I was young, my dad loved to hike and explore the woods and he invited me to go with him. As a youngster, I always started hiking with enthusiasm, but I didn’t always want to go the distance with him. Even though I had told my dad that I really wanted…

Desk Vacation Challenge

By Jeane Hendrix | June 20, 2018

  Today my heart is at the beach but my body is at my desk. So when my Fitbit reminded me to move – I got up from my desk, closed my eyes and took a mini mental vacation to my favorite beach. As I took a few slow deep breaths, I could feel the…

We’re All Farmers

By Jeane Hendrix | June 18, 2018

My grandmother was one of the wildest and bravest women I knew! I wanted to grow up to be just like her – a farmer! My happiest childhood memories were summers spent playing and working on her farm. My days were filled with fun and adventure and without knowing it- I learned some amazing life…