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Welcome to the Wild + Brave Blog

Where Your Focus Goes, Your Energy Flows

By Jeane Hendrix | June 14, 2018

  “Where your focus goes, your energy flows.” Early in my speaking career I was privileged to learn from Les Brown – one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers. I remember him saying (in his beautiful deep voice): “Where your focus goes, your energy flows. So focus on what you want, where you want…

Start Happy

By Jeane Hendrix | June 12, 2018

When I was a little girl my dad always woke me up singing this verse. And it made me anything but glad! Mainly because he couldn’t sing but also because I l liked to sleep in. I didn’t realize it, but my dad was actually priming my brain for a happier day- on purpose. How…

#GoodVibes Challenge

By Morgan Hendrix | June 12, 2018

More #GoodVibes What would happen if you could greet every day with more positive emotion? With more confidence? To set the tone for yourself, so YOU are choosing the kind of culture you want to create, not just letting life happen to you every day. Researchers in the field of Positive Psychology have been studying…

One Happy Thought

By Jeane Hendrix | June 6, 2018

Jeane and Megan are happy when they adventure together! I love travel and adventure, so whenever I’m anticipating hopping on a plane, train, or even an automobile – I’m like a kid at Christmas! I wake up so happy and energized! I’ve noticed that when I start the day with positive happy thoughts, my day…

Wake Up Happy

By Jeane Hendrix | June 5, 2018

This summer we’re creating a Wild + Brave Culture… We believe that culture is what drives individuals, teams, and organizations. Culture can either drive you apart or draw you together. Every individual has a culture, as does every family, and every organization. And most important of all: Culture starts with you! Culture is a hot…

Wild + Brave Trailblazer

By Morgan Hendrix | May 30, 2018

It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done… she said with with a glow of accomplishment. The smile on her face was equal parts I-can’t-believe-I-did-that and I’m-way-stronger-than-I-thought. Across the Zoom video connection, I was sipping coffee and trying to imagine what her experience was like. And what possessed her to join the Alabama Trailblaze Challenge‘s 26.3…

Happy Mother’s Day to Our Mom

By Morgan Hendrix | May 13, 2018

Not everyone has a mom they can look up to, and lean on. Who keeps record of their good moments, reminds them of their strength, and treats them with kindness and respect. A mother who makes time for them, and doesn’t wait for holidays or emergencies to show up and pay attention. Who doesn’t take…

2 Decisions: From One Mom to Another

By Jeane Hendrix | May 11, 2018

Holidays are notorious for creating expectations…Mother’s Day is no exception. Positive expectations cause us to feel happy and hopeful because of increased levels of dopamine in our brain. But unmet expectations cause dopamine levels to fall sharply…which feels a lot like pain.  So moms – this holiday take a couple of tips from psychologists about…

Thriving in the Squeeze - Dealing With Good Stress

Thriving in the Squeeze: How to Deal with “Good Stress”

By Morgan Hendrix | April 13, 2018

The Squeeze It isn’t always the problems in our lives that create stress, eat our time, and make us wonder if we’re going to make it. Sometimes we work so hard to GET an opportunity that when it arrives, TAKING the opportunity puts us on overload. It’s “Good Stress.” The same stress can pop up anytime…

Heart Health and Positive Connection

By Jeane Hendrix | March 23, 2018

As you are probably aware, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. What you may not have heard is that a lack of positive connection has the same detrimental health effects as smoking and excessive alcohol use! What if there were something you could do in just a few minutes per day that would help you dramatically improve both your cardiovascular health AND your ability to generate positive connections with others?

There are exciting research studies that show how meditation—specifically loving-kindness meditation—has a direct and measurable impact on our brains and our hearts. (Read More)

Wild + Brave Masterclass: Make Love Welcome

By Morgan Hendrix | March 8, 2018

Hello Everyone! I hope you were able to join us for February’s free Masterclass. In case you missed it, or if you want to review some of the scientific research on Love, check out the Show Notes below. Enjoy watching the Facebook Live Broadcast embedded below, and feel free to interact in the comments as…

Training Hacks of a Triathlete Champion

By Jeane Hendrix | February 25, 2018

I am always grateful for the opportunity to learn from a winner, someone who has demonstrated measurable excellence. Recently I had the privilege of interviewing local triathlete champion, Rebecca Youngblood. As you probably know, a triathlon is a race that involves swimming, biking, and running….grueling, to say the very least!

While we may not be training for a triathlon or any athletic competition, each of us has an arena in life that we seek to exemplify measurable excellence, whether it be in our homes, in our businesses, in our communities, or in our relationships.

Get Wild + Brave FRAMED!

By Megan Hendrix | February 6, 2018

Masterclass Show Notes: Put Me in Meaning

By Morgan Hendrix | January 19, 2018

Hello Everyone! This week we had our first Masterclass called “Put ‘Me’ in Meaning.” And here are the show notes! Please enjoy watching the Facebook Live Broadcast embedded below, and interact in the comments as if you were live. We will see your comments, and look forward to seeing you take on the 3 Mini…

Tremendously Interested

By Megan Hendrix | December 28, 2017

There’s something about the end of one year and glimpse of the next one that makes us want to jump back into our passions. To find and grab onto what makes us come alive. Today’s the perfect day to follow the sage advice of a #wildandbrave favorite, Julia Child: “Find something you’re passionate about and…

The No Goal Guide to Getting What You Want in 2018

By Jeane Hendrix | December 15, 2017

At this time of year, we’re bombarded with goal setting ideas and strategies from EVERYWHERE! And they appeal to us because we all want more of something: more health, more positive relationships, more meaning, more financial security… We’re convinced that if we could just identify our goals, we’d be able to achieve them. But here’s…

Why Millennials Job Hop

By Erin Godin | November 30, 2017

Why Millennials Job Hop   By Erin Godin The term “job hopping” is anything but new. Lately though, it has become synonymous with the newest members of the workforce: Millennials. In the past, you would find one company, one career to pursue for your entire working life and retire comfortably. However, this is not exactly…

Giving the Gift of Wild + Brave

By Morgan Hendrix | November 24, 2017

What I Want to Give This Year Since today is one of the biggest buying days of the year, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it is I’m trying to give people. More than anything, I want the gifts I give people to make them feel appreciated, understood, valued for who they are…and maybe…

Wild + Brave Thanksgiving Challenge

By Morgan Hendrix | November 22, 2017

Whether you’ve got a big turkey dinner planned or not, chances are good you’re planning to do something to acknowledge the holiday tomorrow. And while it’s great that “Thanksgiving Day” gives us in the USA an annual excuse to stop and practice gratitude, it actually can become challenging not to let the day pass us by in busyness.  …

Wild + Brave Faith

By Jeane Hendrix | November 17, 2017

Wild + Brave Faith We believe that each of us was born with a spiritual adventure stamped on our heart. An adventure that’s bigger than us because it didn’t come from us. This adventure calls us and no matter how successful we are in our business or our relationships, unless we’re chasing our faith adventure,…

New Things from the Wild + Brave Blog!

By Morgan Hendrix | November 15, 2017

The team here at Hendrix Coaching, and our awesome network of Wild + Brave Ambassadors will be bringing you quick hits of inspiration and information to fuel your wild ideas and bolster your bravery. This blog re-launch is coming in tandem with a whole fresh look on our website, and the launching our most powerful…

Why Ideas Die

By Jeane Hendrix | November 13, 2017

We have thousands of ideas each day. Some are good, some are bad, some are just plain ugly…and some are WILD! Wild ideas are possibilities. They aren’t fully formed or even realistic — they’re just wild. Your wild ideas are the “outside of the box ideas:” Ideas of how to innovate, create, and grow. Wild ideas…

Episode 5: Shut Up Jack!

By Megan Hendrix | February 23, 2017

Welcome to Episode 5 of the “iLiveWild+Brave Show” with bro/sis team Nick Hendrix and Megan Hendrix!  This week we learn that Nick is good at Black Jack but not so great at sharing the goodies with Megan that are brought over from Suriname. Also, this week we broke out a couple of new tools you can use…

Episode 4: Good Job Human!

By Megan Hendrix | February 7, 2017

Welcome to Episode 4 of the iLiveWild+Brave Show with Megan Hendrix!  This week is all looking for the good in ourselves and others! We introduced a brand new segment called “Good Job Human!” and invited all of you – our wild + brave buddies – to join in the fun! All you have to do…

Episode 3: Reconnect To Your Adventure Through FUN!

By Megan Hendrix | January 31, 2017

Welcome to Episode 3 of the “iLiveWild+Brave Show” with bro/sis team Nick Hendrix and Megan Hendrix!  This week is all about reconnecting to our adventure through intentional bursts of the F-Word….FUN!  We literally pull the very first wild + brave GIVEAWAY winners out of a hat….a fedora to be exact! And we share how Megan…

Episode 2 of the iLiveWild+Brave Show

By Megan Hendrix | January 24, 2017

Episode 1 of the “iLiveWild+Brave” Show!

By Megan Hendrix | January 17, 2017

Welcome to the VERY 1st EPISODE of the iLiveWild+Brave Show! You can join LIVE every Tuesday at 2 pm EST on the Hendrix Coaching Facebook Page. We’ll also be uploading all episodes RIGHT HERE too! In this episode, siblings / wild + brave coaches / biz partners Nick and Megan Hendrix had a blast doing the…

Holiday Survival Toolkit Part 3 – The Power of Savoring

By Megan Hendrix | December 19, 2016

Holiday Survival Toolkit Part 2 – Stop Saying Thank You

By Megan Hendrix | December 12, 2016

Hey everyone! Welcome to the Holiday Survival Toolkit video series. Last week, we shared a tool to build positive relationships with your family that can help you experience the holidays in a more intentional way. This tool of intention is a quick way to nurture and build your family instead of stress you out! Today…

Holiday Survival Toolkit Part 1 – Set Your Holiday Intention

By Jeane Hendrix | December 5, 2016

Many of you look forward to the holidays and it’s one of our favorite times of the year. But let’s be honest – no matter how connected your family is, the holiday season brings with it increased tension and stress. There’s no getting around it: Holidays + Family = Stress! The Problems: Unreasonable Expectations (usually…

Being Wild + Brave

By Morgan Hendrix | November 25, 2016

1 Question We All Know the Answer To We’re talking a lot lately about being wild and brave. Anytime I ask someone if they want to be wild and brave, they say some version of “well yeah!” They never ask “what is wild and brave?” They don’t play it safe and ask “how would you do…

2 Questions You Can Ask to Turn Anyone ON!

By Megan Hendrix | November 2, 2016

OK, so this may sound a little naughty but we promise – this video is scientific AND mom-approved! We kicked off the month of November by sharing this mini training for the very first time via a public Facebook Live from 4 different computers! So you’ll see it’s interactive…feel free to add your answers in…

Capturing Your Big Ideas

By Morgan Hendrix | October 13, 2016

Check out the lesson notes for this week’s Facebook Live teaching done on Hendrix Coaching’s Facebook Page! Watch the live video replay about capturing your big ideas below, and let us know what you do to capture you’re big ideas! 1. Choose One Tool to Use Every Time Don’t be any fancier than is necessary…

Family Friday: Get Your Kids a Monkey (Buddy) TODAY!

By Jeane Hendrix | September 16, 2016

This Family Friday, I’m sharing something that’s so simple, it consists of ONE WORD! (And no – that one word isn’t “monkey.” But hey – monkeys are fun…and they are a big part of this! Trust me!) The science behind this one word is amazing and it’s something you can tap into to reduce your…

Getting Majorly UnStuck

By Morgan Hendrix | September 13, 2016

Getting Majorly Unstuck When you start feeling discouraged, anxious, or overwhelmed, that means it’s time to STOP and become AWARE of what is happening. Many of you have heard of the “Wheel of Life.” It’s something you can use to guide yourself as you look at your life and focus your personal growth. You choose…

Family Friday: Parenting War Tactic

By Jeane Hendrix | September 9, 2016

This Family Friday, I’m sharing a “war tactic” all of us parents need to use to manage the stress of parenting! It’s simple, it’s scientific, and it’s something you can teach your kids too! I’ll be honest, running a family business can be stressful! This technique is a tool my team and I use DAILY…

Family Friday: Wild + Brave Parenting

By Jeane Hendrix | September 2, 2016

Game Changer This Family Friday, I’m sharing something that’s been a game-changer this summer for our family team. It’s created incredible results for our clients, in our business, and in our family relationships. LIVING Wild + Brave That concept? Learning to LIVE wild + brave! Living wild + brave is the only way to get…

Family Friday: Gritty Kids

By Jeane Hendrix | August 26, 2016

This Family Friday, I’m sharing something I just heard my mentor, John Maxwell, talk about for the first time at our coaching conference. It’s too good to use in only our businesses…let’s use it in our families too! I’ll show you how raising “gritty” kids is a key to their success in life!  Jeane Hendrix,…

Gorillas + Basketballs: How to Encourage Positive Behavior

By Jeane Hendrix | August 12, 2016

This Family Friday, I’m sharing a scientific technique that is a total game-changer for our corporate clients and has a HUGE impact on families! Want more positive behavior without nagging? Here’s one proven way to get it!  Jeane Hendrix, RN Certified Human Behavioral Consultant, Coach, and mother of three very different children, Jeane Hendrix loves…

How to Become Naturally Brave

By Morgan Hendrix | August 10, 2016

Becoming Naturally Brave Welcome to the detailed transcript for our Free Facebook Live Coaching this week! This week we talked about how we can access our own natural bravery. Dig in to the ideas, and join the conversation on Facebook, or by using the comments below, and become brave in a way that is right…

Family Friday: What Happens at 30,000 feet, Doesn’t Stay at 30,00 Feet!

By Jeane Hendrix | August 5, 2016

On this Family Friday, I’m telling you a story that I’ve never told before. It’s something that happened to me at 30,000 feet 30 years ago, but it changed my life and shaped the way that I interact with my family. It’s something that seems so simple but can have a MASSIVE impact on our…

The Story Behind Our Logo

By Megan Hendrix | August 2, 2016

Hey friends! People ask us about our logo all the time so I decided to create a page to tell the story behind our logo! But I know that sometimes, I’d rather hear someone tell me their story than just read it. So that’s what I’m doing on this Thriving Tuesday…I did a screencast video of…

The 3-Letter Word that Can Transform Your Relationships

By Jeane Hendrix | July 29, 2016

Want something that’s super simple but scientifically proven to transform your relationships (and your BRAIN!)? What if I told you the simple and scientific “thing” is a 3-letter word? In this 3-minute video, I’ll show you how to put this 3-letter word to work in your life and family!  Jeane Hendrix, RN Certified Human Behavioral…

3 Types of Confidence To Bring Your Vision to Life

By Morgan Hendrix | July 26, 2016

MORGAN HENDRIX Wild + Brave Ambassador Facebook ㆍ Instagram Schedule a Free Coaching Session with Morgan Hi everyone! Since the rain storm here in New Orleans is making my WiFi connection pretty weak, I’m sharing the content from today’s Facebook Live coaching here! I’ll switch locations and try to hop back on, but for now, here are…

Positive Feedback for Parents

By Jeane Hendrix | July 22, 2016

How long has it been since someone told you exactly what you’re doing WELL as a parent? (Yeah, I know…people don’t seem as forthcoming with that as they are with “helpful advice.”) Well, get ready for some positive feedback…I’m going to tell you three things that you’re doing AMAZINGLY well as a parent!

How to Have an AWE-some Life

By Jeane Hendrix | July 20, 2016

How to Have an AWEsome Life When was the last time you felt small? I don’t mean sick, or depressed, or insecure…I mean small! I don’t know about you, but I invest a lot of time focusing on getting bigger – increasing my confidence, my skills, my influence – and the idea of feeling small…

Become Your Kid’s Confidence Coach

By Jeane Hendrix | July 16, 2016

What if your kids could feel confident? One of the questions we get asked the most, is ”How can I help my kids have self-confidence?” As parents we know how important confidence is. Statistics show that confident children are less likely to be bullied, or to become bullies. They’re less likely to engage in risky…

Family Friday

By Jeane Hendrix | July 15, 2016

It is Family Friday – in honor of YOU! Enjoy this video from Jeane, giving some inspiration, encouragement, and perspective on the messy process that building a family is.

6 Secrets to being Easy-to-Help

By Morgan Hendrix | July 11, 2016

Where to Start Getting Help Have you ever found yourself thinking “I just need some help!!” Only to have someone ask, “what can I do to help you,” and you don’t even know where to start? Or you realize that for everything you wish they could do, there’s a huge backlog of things that they…

Emotion Coaching for Your Family

By Jeane Hendrix | July 5, 2016

Tired of playing referee? It’s summertime. For a lot of parents, that means a chance to create some great memories and spend some quality time together as a family. But what happens when all the togetherness turns into “together-mess?” Sometimes the disrupted schedules, lack of routine, and extra time together results in boredom, bickering, and…