What is Competitive Selection?

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Life is never just one thing. Take today for example. I slept in, fixed a fancy homemade coconut latte, and sat down to work in my fuzzy clean slippers. (The Good) The sleep in was sponsored by a persistent ringing in my left ear, and a growing wave…

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Wildly Mindful Podcast

Wildly Mindful Podcast Enjoy the latest resources offered by Wild + Brave to help you be Wildly Mindful in just a few minutes. Enjoy video guidance and printable worksheets to help you increase awareness, presence, and well being through mindfulness. Videos include Guided breathing, meditation, mindfulness, reflection, and journaling practices to help you think wild,…

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Think Wild Book – Free Excerpt

What are Mental Growth Tactics? It’s easy to know when you’re exercising your muscles. We grow the strength of our bodies by intelligent use and effective rest. The same goes for our mental faculties. Focus, clarity, joy, and wisdom are all fruit of mentally engaging the world around us. In Think Wild, coach Morgan Hendrix shares…

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Stay In the Game on Your Goals

Keep Chasing Your Dreams   If being a coach has taught me anything, it’s that chasing after wild and brave possibilities changes our lives for the better…but the chase can make life anything but easy. Personal growth, professional aspirations, and meaningful goals we have for making a positive impact on our world all require us…

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Catch Up Your Reading (in 1 Hour or Less)

  Feeling Book Guilt? Had a great conversation the other day with a client. We were talking about all of the things that pile up and cause professional development guilt. We all know we need to keep growing so we don’t fall behind, but it isn’t easy to make time for all the things that…

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Planning in 3D (20 Minute Planning Tactic)

How can we plan for success? And can we do it quickly, or do we have to become “serious planner-type people” in order to plan well? Most of the Wild + Brave humans I work with feel like they aren’t exactly “great planners.” They have busy lives, and constantly-changing priorities. They need a form of…

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Dangerous Reflection (Growth Traps)

Reflection is essential to growth. If we don’t think into our lives, experiences, relationships, choices, and results, we’ll be at the mercy of chaos and entropy. Reflection is the fulcrum for seizing opportunity and influencing the path of our own lives.  But there’s a sneaky, counterfeit form of reflection that can kill growth. It’s on…

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Guided Gratitude Reflection – 5 Minute Journaling Exercise

 Guided Gratitude Reflection   Welcome to Wild + Brave, I’m coach Morgan. Today we’re doing a guided gratitude reflection. I’ll share some journaling prompts to prime your brain for noticing and savoring the things in your life that have made you stronger, healthier, happier, and more connected. Even writing down one answer to each…

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