Monday Meditation

Do you ever feel like your brain is in overdrive – thoughts flying around so fast that you can’t catch them?
Well, this morning I woke up with a racing mind, excited about a new project I was working on. But unfortunately, my racing mind was accompanied by a racing heart, which is not ideal for my health, or my creativity. So I thought I’d share the mindful meditation I used this morning to combat that overwhelmed feeling. This simple 10 minute meditation is a great way to quiet your mind and open your heart to be able to focus on what’s right with you…beginning with your great brain!
Connect with your breath through several deep breaths to quiet your mind and open your heart.
breathe in (quiet mind)
breathe out (open heart)
breathe in (quiet mind)
breathe out (open heart)
Now appreciate and be grateful for your amazing brain and for the wonders it produces every day!
Breathe in love for your brain and awe for your brilliance. Breathe out negative thinking and unrealistic expectations.
breathe in (love my brain)
breathe out (unrealistic expectations)
breathe in (love my brain)
breathe out (unrealistic expectations)
breathe in (awe – brilliance)
breathe out (negative thinking)
breathe in (awe – brilliance)
breathe out (negative thinking)
Meditate for a few breaths on living gently with your brain.
breathe (live gently)
breathe (live gently)
breathe (live gently)
Be open to new ideas of how to adopt a simpler way of thinking, learning, and implementing your brain power.
breathe in (think)
breathe out (simply)
breathe in (learn)
breathe out (simply)
breathe in (implement)
breathe out (simply)
Now (without judgment) record any thoughts or ideas that come up.
Just write…you may be surprised at the ideas that surface when you quiet your mind.
You can use this exercise any time you feel frenzied, lack creativity, or just need to remind yourself that you have a big beautiful brain! (Remember, you can practice slowing your thoughts anytime during the day by connecting with your breath: at stoplights, during commercials, while you brush your teeth.)
May you enjoy the feeling of being “underwhelmed” today…
Happy Monday!