Welcome to Wild + Brave

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Whatever has brought you to WildAndBrave.com, we're thrilled you're here. This is the digital home of Wild + Brave, a movement of humans who #ThinkWild #LiveBrave and take daily action to be meaningfully connected in the modern world.

The + in our name points to the science of Positive Psychology, and is your first clue of how much we love research. We do our best to be "applied positive psychologists" by creating clear and practical applications wild ideas from experts.

But more than the research, Wild + Brave is about being human in a genuine, vibrant, healthy way. We believe in embracing a meaningful life, becoming well connected to big ideas and one another to reach our own potential, and boost the potential of those around us.

Feature - Welcome to Wild + Brave

Get a Personalized Copy of Think Wild


Order a personalized copy of a new book by Coach Morgan Hendrix. Think Wild: Mental Growth Tactics for Brave Humans. Personalized copies will include a custom message from the author and a special word of encouragement. You'll also get free shipping.

Expect longer shipping times (allow 2-4 weeks for processing from purchase date).

Every Human Deserves a Coach.

As you check out our Blog, and see what we've got to offer, you'll see the word coaching pop up a lot.

The coaching process brings the power of curiosity and psychological safety together to create a space where you can think new thoughts, be challenged, and create new growth and success in your life.

Whether you need help unlocking professional success, becoming more organized, or improved communication with others; coaching will help you draw your best self forward.

At Wild + Brave we supercharge the coaching space by bringing to it scientifically tested interventions, new ideas, and techniques from the best minds around to help you improve your results in life and work. Get a Free Coaching session to see what a Wild + Brave coach might do for you.

Latest From the Wild + Brave Blog

Family Friday

By Jeane Hendrix | July 15, 2016

It is Family Friday – in honor of YOU! Enjoy this video from Jeane, giving some inspiration, encouragement, and perspective on the messy process that building a family is.

6 Secrets to being Easy-to-Help

By Morgan Hendrix | July 11, 2016

Where to Start Getting Help Have you ever found yourself thinking “I just need some help!!” Only to have someone ask, “what can I do to help you,” and you don’t even know where to start? Or you realize that for everything you wish they could do, there’s a huge backlog of things that they…

Emotion Coaching for Your Family

By Jeane Hendrix | July 5, 2016

Tired of playing referee? It’s summertime. For a lot of parents, that means a chance to create some great memories and spend some quality time together as a family. But what happens when all the togetherness turns into “together-mess?” Sometimes the disrupted schedules, lack of routine, and extra time together results in boredom, bickering, and…

Are You Helping Too Much?

By Jeane Hendrix | July 1, 2016

Meet Nick Vujicic Several years ago, I was privileged to meet Nick V and hear him speak. If you don’t know who he is, I would encourage you to visit his FB page, website, or watch his YouTube channel. That day was a defining moment for me: not because Nick’s a world class speaker, not…

A Mid-Year Love Note from Megan Hendrix

By Megan Hendrix | June 29, 2016

Hello You! You did it! You made it through the first half of 2016!!! I’ve been thinking about you so much lately—about how proud I am of you and how much I’ve enjoyed learning with you in 2016. So I recorded a little something you can listen to and remember how awesome you are. I…

The Empowered Mentor BONUS with Michael Hyatt

By Nick Hendrix | June 3, 2016

Hey everyone! Things have been moving fast for me this year. I’ve been doing some new things, partnering with some new friends, and learning something fresh every day. One of the new things I’m engrossed in is what it takes to become what Mary Hyatt Crimmins and I call an Empowered Mentor. In the past…

Get The Right Things Done

By Morgan Hendrix | May 27, 2016

It’s Friday. Your checklist has gotten a little longer every day this week, each new day inheriting the last couple things you couldn’t quite get done the day before. At this point, you probably have several things that have to happen that didn’t even make it on the checklist; adding it would just be too…

Stop Your Kids’ Bickering in 1 Easy Step

By Morgan Hendrix | May 18, 2016

How to Stop the Bickering As many of you know, I come from a very close family. My brother is my best friend – and has been since I arrived in the world 14 months after his debut. My sister is someone I couldn’t live without if I tried…there is truly no one like her…

Grow Your Confidence

By Jeane Hendrix | May 15, 2016

Interviewed for the NACWL Recently, I participated in an iTunes Podcast series on Confidence, hosted by Karen Zeigler, Founder of The National Association of Christian Women Leaders. In the series we covered many of the important things that can boost, cultivate, and improve the quality of our confidence. Seasons of Growth In this podcast, I…

VIDEO: How to Keep Leadership Simple

By Nick Hendrix | May 9, 2016

How do you keep Leadership Simple? Today in a quick ten minute video blog, we tackle the question “how do we keep leadership simple?!” Subscribe to the Hendrix Coaching YouTube Channel to see future videos like this one! If you ask me, leadership has become way harder than it needs to be. If it wasn’t…