Why Millennials Job Hop

Why Millennials Job Hop   By Erin Godin The term “job hopping” is anything but new. Lately though, it has become synonymous with the newest members of the workforce: Millennials. In the past, you would find one company, one career to pursue for your entire working life and retire comfortably. However, this is not exactly…

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All Mixed Up – How Personality Blends Make Us Unique

Understanding People If you’re familiar with the DISC Personality Assessments, you know that there are four major personality types that we can see in ourselves and others. Each of us tend to display a strongly Driven, Inspiring, Supportive, or Cautious personality type to those around us. By understanding someone’s dominant personality type, we can drastically improve…

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You Don’t Have to Do This

Are you having trouble connecting your multi-generational teams? We can call it the Age Gap, Experience Gap, Generation or Millennial Gap. In practice we are faced with the challenge of leveraging the talent, energy, and creativity of the young generation, and integrating it with the wisdom and expertise of our experienced team members. If you aren’t in management, chances are you still work closely with people on both sides of this gap in your daily personal and professional.

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