Why Millennials Job Hop

Why Millennials Job Hop   By Erin Godin The term “job hopping” is anything but new. Lately though, it has become synonymous with the newest members of the workforce: Millennials. In the past, you would find one company, one career to pursue for your entire working life and retire comfortably. However, this is not exactly…

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New Things from the Wild + Brave Blog!

The team here at Hendrix Coaching, and our awesome network of Wild + Brave Ambassadors will be bringing you quick hits of inspiration and information to fuel your wild ideas and bolster your bravery. This blog re-launch is coming in tandem with a whole fresh look on our website, and the launching our most powerful…

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Getting Majorly UnStuck

Getting Majorly Unstuck When you start feeling discouraged, anxious, or overwhelmed, that means it’s time to STOP and become AWARE of what is happening. Many of you have heard of the “Wheel of Life.” It’s something you can use to guide yourself as you look at your life and focus your personal growth. You choose…

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The Story Behind Our Logo

Hey friends! People ask us about our logo all the time so I decided to create a page to tell the story behind our logo! But I know that sometimes, I’d rather hear someone tell me their story than just read it. So that’s what I’m doing on this Thriving Tuesday…I did a screencast video of…

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6 Secrets to being Easy-to-Help

Where to Start Getting Help Have you ever found yourself thinking “I just need some help!!” Only to have someone ask, “what can I do to help you,” and you don’t even know where to start? Or you realize that for everything you wish they could do, there’s a huge backlog of things that they…

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The Empowered Mentor BONUS with Michael Hyatt

Hey everyone! Things have been moving fast for me this year. I’ve been doing some new things, partnering with some new friends, and learning something fresh every day. One of the new things I’m engrossed in is what it takes to become what Mary Hyatt Crimmins and I call an Empowered Mentor. In the past…

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VIDEO: How to Keep Leadership Simple

How do you keep Leadership Simple? Today in a quick ten minute video blog, we tackle the question “how do we keep leadership simple?!” Subscribe to the Hendrix Coaching YouTube Channel to see future videos like this one! If you ask me, leadership has become way harder than it needs to be. If it wasn’t…

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All Mixed Up – How Personality Blends Make Us Unique

Understanding People If you’re familiar with the DISC Personality Assessments, you know that there are four major personality types that we can see in ourselves and others. Each of us tend to display a strongly Driven, Inspiring, Supportive, or Cautious personality type to those around us. By understanding someone’s dominant personality type, we can drastically improve…

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Notes & Quotes – Show Your Work

Notes & Quotes by Nick Hendrix from the book Show Your Work, by Austin Kleon How to read Notes & Quotes: This is a five-minute review of an amazing book with real life application. Zip through find value and put it into practice! Pass it on and share it, feel free to credit anyone and everyone…

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