Active Constructive Responding

I didn’t invent most of the communication techniques I have become “known” to my clients for helping them learn. ButResearch I’ve come to believe it’s a colossal waste of time to try to define things as “my process” or “my techniques.” In any thinking partnership, ownership of ideas is fuzzy at best, counterproductive at worst.…

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We Get Better at Asking for Help

Relationship Patterns Aren’t Fixed This week has taught me something that is quietly helpful; we get better at asking for help over time. I don’t know who my dad borrowed the wild idea from, but as a teenager I remember him telling me “Morgan, the quality of your life will be determined by the questions…

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Hard to Help

I’ve been hard to help lately. Has that ever happened to you? You don’t mean to be a martyr and hog all the hard stuff. It’s not that you’re a perfectionist (maybe), or that you have energy to spare (who does). Maybe it starts because you’re a helper. You’re not against receiving help so much…

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Use Your Body to Build a Resilient Mind

A Stress Reduction Technique from the Wild + Brave Coaching Archive This live coaching originally broadcast on June 11, 2020 and features Wild + Brave’s Coach Morgan Hendrix, and several Wild + Brave Humans (thank you to Johnna, Willian, and Anthony for contributing to the live conversation) who added their insights to the live coaching…

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Goal Hacking to Maximize the Next 90 Days

Get it Before It’s Gone   Like any natural planner, I like to keep an eye on the whirling calendar pages to make sure I don’t miss an opportunity to maximize life. Things like a year-end review, and a new-year-strategy session are treats I look forward to, making space for ritual and rigor alike. I’ll…

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Tiny Questions to Change Your Life

The Quality of Our Lives We grow up with lots of wise sayings haunting us. Some of them are even good advice. There was one saying like that in our family that seems suspiciously like my parents were angling for me to grow up to be a professional coach. But whether they were plotting or…

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Why Millennials Job Hop

Why Millennials Job Hop   By Erin Godin The term “job hopping” is anything but new. Lately though, it has become synonymous with the newest members of the workforce: Millennials. In the past, you would find one company, one career to pursue for your entire working life and retire comfortably. However, this is not exactly…

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6 Secrets to being Easy-to-Help

Where to Start Getting Help Have you ever found yourself thinking “I just need some help!!” Only to have someone ask, “what can I do to help you,” and you don’t even know where to start? Or you realize that for everything you wish they could do, there’s a huge backlog of things that they…

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The Empowered Mentor BONUS with Michael Hyatt

Hey everyone! Things have been moving fast for me this year. I’ve been doing some new things, partnering with some new friends, and learning something fresh every day. One of the new things I’m engrossed in is what it takes to become what Mary Hyatt Crimmins and I call an Empowered Mentor. In the past…

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Don’t Be Boring – How “Star Wars Day” Can Help

Happy Star Wars Day

#MayTheFourthBeWithYou Today around the web you’ll see people having fun, celebrating Star Wars Day, and wishing one another #MayTheFourthBeWithYou. It’s a day of not taking yourself too seriously, and coming out of the closet about something you love. Star Wars Day For many of us, Star Wars captured our young imaginations, taught us that not…

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