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Are You Helping Too Much?

By Jeane Hendrix | July 1, 2016

Meet Nick Vujicic Several years ago, I was privileged to meet Nick V and hear him speak. If you don’t know who he is, I would encourage you to visit his FB page, website, or watch his YouTube channel. That day was a defining moment for me: not because Nick’s a world class speaker, not…

A Mid-Year Love Note from Megan Hendrix

By Megan Hendrix | June 29, 2016

Hello You! You did it! You made it through the first half of 2016!!! I’ve been thinking about you so much lately—about how proud I am of you and how much I’ve enjoyed learning with you in 2016. So I recorded a little something you can listen to and remember how awesome you are. I…

The Empowered Mentor BONUS with Michael Hyatt

By Nick Hendrix | June 3, 2016

Hey everyone! Things have been moving fast for me this year. I’ve been doing some new things, partnering with some new friends, and learning something fresh every day. One of the new things I’m engrossed in is what it takes to become what Mary Hyatt Crimmins and I call an Empowered Mentor. In the past…

Get The Right Things Done

By Morgan Hendrix | May 27, 2016

It’s Friday. Your checklist has gotten a little longer every day this week, each new day inheriting the last couple things you couldn’t quite get done the day before. At this point, you probably have several things that have to happen that didn’t even make it on the checklist; adding it would just be too…

Stop Your Kids’ Bickering in 1 Easy Step

By Morgan Hendrix | May 18, 2016

How to Stop the Bickering As many of you know, I come from a very close family. My brother is my best friend – and has been since I arrived in the world 14 months after his debut. My sister is someone I couldn’t live without if I tried…there is truly no one like her…

Grow Your Confidence

By Jeane Hendrix | May 15, 2016

Interviewed for the NACWL Recently, I participated in an iTunes Podcast series on Confidence, hosted by Karen Zeigler, Founder of The National Association of Christian Women Leaders. In the series we covered many of the important things that can boost, cultivate, and improve the quality of our confidence. Seasons of Growth In this podcast, I…

VIDEO: How to Keep Leadership Simple

By Nick Hendrix | May 9, 2016

How do you keep Leadership Simple? Today in a quick ten minute video blog, we tackle the question “how do we keep leadership simple?!” Subscribe to the Hendrix Coaching YouTube Channel to see future videos like this one! If you ask me, leadership has become way harder than it needs to be. If it wasn’t…

Happy Mother’s Day

By Morgan Hendrix | May 8, 2016

There are a lot of things we think of on Mother’s Day. Sometime’s it’s sacrifice – Mom’s give of their time, their hearts, their bodies, and their sanity to help their little ones come into, and find their places in the world. Other times, we think of gratitude and generosity, trying to find some way…

Happy Star Wars Day

Don’t Be Boring – How “Star Wars Day” Can Help

By Morgan Hendrix | May 4, 2016

#MayTheFourthBeWithYou Today around the web you’ll see people having fun, celebrating Star Wars Day, and wishing one another #MayTheFourthBeWithYou. It’s a day of not taking yourself too seriously, and coming out of the closet about something you love. Star Wars Day For many of us, Star Wars captured our young imaginations, taught us that not…

Personal Invitation to This Weekend’s Call

By Morgan Hendrix | April 28, 2016

All Mixed Up – How Personality Blends Make Us Unique

By Nick Hendrix | April 22, 2016

Understanding People If you’re familiar with the DISC Personality Assessments, you know that there are four major personality types that we can see in ourselves and others. Each of us tend to display a strongly Driven, Inspiring, Supportive, or Cautious personality type to those around us. By understanding someone’s dominant personality type, we can drastically improve…

Choose Your Own Happy Ending

Choose Your Own Happy Ending

By Morgan Hendrix | April 20, 2016

Have you ever had the evening arrive, exhausted from the day, and you just call it quits? You don’t stop to do anything fun. You don’t go out in a blaze of glory, hear a resounding bang of the office door, or truly feel “off.” Worse, do you find yourself staying up later than “necessary,”…

Capturing Magic Moments

By Audrey Moralez | March 17, 2016

Being the Fun Mom Too often I feel like I’m the “stressed mom,” the “rushed mom,” or the “grouchy mom,” when I really want to be the “fun mom” more often. I hate that life is so busy that I miss out on some of the “good stuff” – the fun times – with my…

Tune In to Joy

By Morgan Hendrix | February 16, 2016

Joy and Organization I have been captivated by the relationship between Joy and Organization…which of course came through falling in love with a new book (or two). The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Two of my absolutely favorite books are both by Marie Kondo. The first I read was her New York Times Bestseller that…

Notes & Quotes – Show Your Work

By Nick Hendrix | October 26, 2015

Notes & Quotes by Nick Hendrix from the book Show Your Work, by Austin Kleon How to read Notes & Quotes: This is a five-minute review of an amazing book with real life application. Zip through find value and put it into practice! Pass it on and share it, feel free to credit anyone and everyone…

(Don’t) Kill Your Leadership Initiative

By Nick Hendrix | August 28, 2015

As a coaching and consulting company we focus on helping learners and leaders adopt new initiatives that will help their organization and teams thrive and grow. But we know that anytime a business launches a new initiative, there can be serious challenges. Today we’re looking at a transformational framework, and three major ways to make a new initiative work for your team.

Stop Over-Delivering

By Morgan Hendrix | August 5, 2015

What happens when you over-deliver all of the time? Earlier this year John Maxwell shared some of the common sense that can seem to fly in the face of the “always over-deliver” wisdom. In addition to training us, John has stepped into the role of a mentor with his certified coaches. Becoming one of his coaches has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. He counselled us – “You cannot deliver your best 100% of the time.” Sometimes we make the mistake of confusing the principle – giving the best you have to the people you serve – with the practice of intentionally designing your work for sustainable excellence.

Lost In Personal Development

By Nick Hendrix | August 3, 2015

I’d Had Enough of “Personal Development. “I am sick of personal development, it is positively endless, oh my gosh! And don’t get me started on the topic of leadership. There are like eight million leadership books published every year.” It was about four o’clock in the afternoon and my two buddies and I were making the drive through the Andes Mountains between Santiago, Chile and the fertile vineyards of Mendoza, Argentina. “There is so much to learn and practice every day, I feel like I am doomed to end up like the rest of the hope filled shmucks quitting on their resolution less than two weeks into the New Year. How can a billion dollar industry help so few people live better lives?”

You Don’t Have to Do This

By Nick Hendrix | July 17, 2015

Are you having trouble connecting your multi-generational teams? We can call it the Age Gap, Experience Gap, Generation or Millennial Gap. In practice we are faced with the challenge of leveraging the talent, energy, and creativity of the young generation, and integrating it with the wisdom and expertise of our experienced team members. If you aren’t in management, chances are you still work closely with people on both sides of this gap in your daily personal and professional.

Monday Meditation

By Jeane Hendrix | March 6, 2015

Do you ever feel like your brain is in overdrive – thoughts flying around so fast that you can’t catch them? Well, this morning I woke up with a racing mind, excited about a new project I was working on. But unfortunately, my racing mind was accompanied by a racing heart, which is not ideal for my health, or my creativity. So I thought I’d share the mindful meditation I used this morning to combat that overwhelmed feeling. This simple 10 minute meditation is a great way to quiet your mind and open your heart to be able to focus on what’s right with you…beginning with your great brain!

Falling Awake: Mindfulness in 5 Minutes or Less

By Jeane Hendrix | December 21, 2014

This is the time of year we talk about Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men (and Women!) But for most people, this holiday is anything but peaceful! We already lead stressful lives that are jam-packed, and now we need to find time to bake, decorate, plan a party, and shop for presents. According to a national survey released by the American Psychological Association (APA), nearly half of all women in the United States experience heightened stress during the holidays at great risk to the health of their minds and bodies. Several years ago a major news network released a poll that said that 45% of Americans wished they could just cancel Christmas because of the associated stress that came with it. Sad, right? Despite repeated warnings about the effect of stress on physical and mental health, surveys show that people are engaging in unhealthy behaviors to manage stress more than ever before – especially during the holidays!

The Science of Hope

By Jeane Hendrix | December 5, 2014

In many churches this past Sunday, they lit the Candle of Hope to signify the beginning of Advent. If you are a person of the Christian faith, hope is what Christmas is all about…But hope isn’t reserved for religious circles. It seems that people have always felt that hope is an antidote to the evils of the world. And now that science is on the side of hope, you might be surprised at what two decades of research has found out about this four letter word.

Grateful for Gratitude

By Jeane Hendrix | November 25, 2014

One thing I love about Thanksgiving is seeing people sharing what they are most thankful for. This year, I think what I am most thankful for is…gratitude. That may sound weird, but practicing gratitude has changed my life! Scientific research has conclusively shown that practicing gratitude can boost your immune system, lower your blood pressure, decrease anxiety, make you more creative, productive, likable, and happy! Practicing gratitude doesn’t cost anything, can be done anywhere, and takes just a few minutes.

Think Pretty

By Jeane Hendrix | May 15, 2014

When I was a little girl, my mom used to tell me each morning as I headed off to school: “Think Pretty.” As I became older, I came to understand that she meant that I should think about lovely things: the good – not the bad, the beautiful – not the ugly. That I should look for the “pretty” every day.

Since Mother’s Day was this past Sunday, I have spent a lot of time thinking about my mother and the best way to honor her. This year has been especially difficult, as she was recently diagnosed with dementia, which is the loss of cognitive functioning to such an extent that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities.

Crucial Conversations

By Morgan Hendrix | January 23, 2014

Emotions are strong. Stakes are high. Opinions differ.

But something has to be done. A decision must be made, a problem must be addressed, an idea needs evaluation. But how do you communicate to a boss who only wants her words to come out of your mouth? What happens when you’ve made a mistake? Is there a way to get what you need at home or work without getting control and forcing your opinion?

(re)New Year

By Nick Hendrix | December 30, 2013

The holidays can be challenging on all of our pocketbooks and our waistlines. As we head into a new year, many of us are already dreading returning to the rat race or facing our New Year’s resolutions.

So, I want to share with you how I – Nick Hendrix – dropped pounds and inches of weight around my waist and felt great doing it.

Why Detox?

By Jeane Hendrix | December 23, 2013

Detoxing is a current buzzword that simply means eliminating toxins from your body. But why do you need to detox?

Simple Beginnings

By Jeane Hendrix | December 15, 2013

As a Registered Nurse and Whole Health Coach, I have observed that most people are unhappy with some aspect of their health and it distracts or prevents them from fully focusing on their major life goals. It happens to me too!

Last year, I began experiencing weight gain for the first time in my life. Even though I was eating cleaner and exercising more than I ever had, my weight began to gradually creep up.