Falling Awake: Mindfulness in 5 Minutes or Less

This is the time of year we talk about Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men (and Women!) But for most people, this holiday is anything but peaceful! We already lead stressful lives that are jam-packed, and now we need to find time to bake, decorate, plan a party, and shop for presents. According to a national survey released by the American Psychological Association (APA), nearly half of all women in the United States experience heightened stress during the holidays at great risk to the health of their minds and bodies. Several years ago a major news network released a poll that said that 45% of Americans wished they could just cancel Christmas because of the associated stress that came with it. Sad, right? Despite repeated warnings about the effect of stress on physical and mental health, surveys show that people are engaging in unhealthy behaviors to manage stress more than ever before – especially during the holidays!

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The Science of Hope

In many churches this past Sunday, they lit the Candle of Hope to signify the beginning of Advent. If you are a person of the Christian faith, hope is what Christmas is all about…But hope isn’t reserved for religious circles. It seems that people have always felt that hope is an antidote to the evils of the world. And now that science is on the side of hope, you might be surprised at what two decades of research has found out about this four letter word.

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Think Pretty

When I was a little girl, my mom used to tell me each morning as I headed off to school: “Think Pretty.” As I became older, I came to understand that she meant that I should think about lovely things: the good – not the bad, the beautiful – not the ugly. That I should look for the “pretty” every day.

Since Mother’s Day was this past Sunday, I have spent a lot of time thinking about my mother and the best way to honor her. This year has been especially difficult, as she was recently diagnosed with dementia, which is the loss of cognitive functioning to such an extent that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities.

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(re)New Year

The holidays can be challenging on all of our pocketbooks and our waistlines. As we head into a new year, many of us are already dreading returning to the rat race or facing our New Year’s resolutions.

So, I want to share with you how I – Nick Hendrix – dropped pounds and inches of weight around my waist and felt great doing it.

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Why Detox?

Detoxing is a current buzzword that simply means eliminating toxins from your body. But why do you need to detox?

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Simple Beginnings

As a Registered Nurse and Whole Health Coach, I have observed that most people are unhappy with some aspect of their health and it distracts or prevents them from fully focusing on their major life goals. It happens to me too!

Last year, I began experiencing weight gain for the first time in my life. Even though I was eating cleaner and exercising more than I ever had, my weight began to gradually creep up.

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