Conquering Avoidance to Become Present

We may be able to avoid something for a while...but we can't avoid the consequences of putting it off.

Sometimes we underestimate how much energy we're burning by avoiding stuff. The choice to "not think about it" takes energy, and we risk fallout when we leave things on the avoidance pile.

This summer, since our focus is Joy, we're recognizing that avoidance steals that joy, and tends to rob us of our ability to be fully present for our lives.

Make an Avoidance List

One technique we can use to interrupt the procrastination cycle is to make a clear list of all the things we're avoiding. Even if you have a long list by the time you're done, getting it out of your head and onto paper (or digital inventory) makes it finite.

When you have a list, you can focus on one item at a time, bringing your best to the item, without splitting your focus.

Overcome Avoidance Using Your Strengths

Instead of gutting it out, or being a martyr to your misery, tap into your strengths to help you deal with what you've been putting off. When you've written your Avoidance List out, add to the margin or across the top of the document several of your strengths.

Reminding yourself of your competency, your insights, and your giftedness can help you get out of coping mode and into action.

Build a Wild + Brave Work Bench

Imagine the things you're carrying around, avoiding, are like projects. To work out whatever the situation is, you simply need a clear work space, and ready access to your tools (strengths) to deal with it.

If this is resonating with you, you may want to catch the replay of this week's Free Live Training, where we get specific on building a Wild + Brave Work Bench where we can really deal with problems, no avoidance required.

Switch to Real Time Comments

If you watch the replay, make sure to switch to "real time comments" and participate in the comments as if you were live. You never know the impact your comment may have on someone who watches after you.

Build a Wild + Brave Work Bench

1. Clear a Space to Work (Presence)

  • A simple way to do this is to make an avoidance list. Whether a full checklist of all the things swirling in your head - or just a focused list of what you’ve been avoiding thinking about. Then when you work through that list, only put ONE project on the Wild + Brave Work Bench at a time.
  • Give your presence and focus to one thing at a time.
  • Usher in your focus with a BREATH.
  • Start with the End in Mind - ask “If this could go well, or have some positive outcome, what do I wish could happen?”
  • (If you’ve ever learned to WOOP, this is a great way to clear your space!)


2. Gain Deep Knowledge of our Tools (Strengths)

  • Acknowledge that YOU bring STRENGTHS to life.
  • Get to Know Your Personality Strengths.
  • Evaluate Your Experiences to Find Strengths


3. Secure Access to Power, Light, and Resources (Other People)

  • Accessing Power is like tapping into ENERGY. Ever notice how some people can bring new energy to a situation? Put an end to your avoidance with the help of outside energy!
  • Turning on LIGHT is tapping into Clarity, Focus, or sometimes Quality Information. Lean into the expertise or the fresh brain space of others to put a new light on what you're avoiding.
  • Sometimes we actually need to Ask For Help. Other people often have a giftedness we can tap into in a way that deepens our bond with them and moves us forward in a way we can't easily do ourselves.

a Wild + Brave Summer of Joy

Join us next week for another full week of content, as we launch  July's 5-Part Formula for becoming MORE RESILIENT. We think you're going to love all we've got planned! (Check out the Lineup on our Events Page)

Catch last week's content, where we focused on Transforming Negative Environments (the easy way), and join our email list for an extra tidbit that is exclusive to email subscribers.

Wild + Brave Coach. Ghostwriter. Author of Think Wild.

Schedule a Free Coaching Session with Morgan