Make it Easier to Do Your Work
Make it Easier to Do Your Work (LIVE Replay)
Join Coach @MorganHendrix LIVE to learn how to identify and escape the chaos that can arise when planning is interrupted by doing. We'll also leverage our brain’s "central executive" to help us prioritize and organize our workload. We'll use some practical techniques to make doing – and planning – work more aerodynamic and energizing. And if you haven’t tried it yet, you’ll discover how using a verb-first approach to planning can make action lists more effective.
Show Notes:
3 Ways to Make Getting Stuff Done Easier
- Prime Yourself with Purpose Connecting to a mission, value, or part of your identity engages intrinsic motivation. Whatever meaning we associate with our role, our identity, or the work at hand opens the door to motivation and fulfillment. Take a moment to remember who you are and what you really care about. Develop a mission statement for your role or yourself in this season of your life to draw on this energy to plan and complete work that matters. One of the major payoffs of connecting with purpose is that it sharpens your priority awareness and reduces urgency sensitivity.
- Separate Planning from Doing The activity of planning increases our pattern recognition. Imagining when and how to get things done, visualizing or conceptualizing it helps us connect related projects for batching, stalled projects, and disconnects between our motivation (what we have the energy to do) and our commitments (what we hold ourselves accountable for.) Taking even a few moments to think through our plan for a project, a week, or a block of time at work before beginning to take action increases our efficiency and resilience. Even if we can’t follow our plan as originally conceived, the plan gives us a more intelligent level of awareness we can flex from in real time to accomplish more of what truly matters.
- Use Action Words Finding the action (and taking it) becomes easier when we start our task and project lists with an action verb. If we list our work without being clear what action must be taken, the work carries high friction, keeping our brain from wanting to get started on it. By clarifying action, we also identify gaps in our knowledge, preparation, and motivation. Sometimes figuring out what exactly we are expecting ourselves to do makes it easy to see we’re trying to do the wrong thing. We also make our expectations for work more aerodynamic when starting with the action. With a clear picture of what “DO” looks like, we reduce our brain’s self-protective procrastination.
More Mental Growth Tactics to help you #WorkWild
Wherever we’re at, whatever is going on, we have things to do. Relationships, careers, passion projects — they all take energy, and they don’t wait their turn. Everything comes at us at once sometimes, but this month at Wild + Brave we’re going to focus on one Mental Growth Tactic that helps us work from the present moment with an energized sense of peace and fulfillment.
💫 May You be Free to Focus on What Matters.
We’ll talk about different ways to do that this month, and we hope you’ll join us.
Here are our upcoming FREE YouTube LIVE Coaching opportunities:
October 14, 2024 @ 12pm Eastern (LIVE)
Make work more rewarding
Join Coach @MorganHendrix LIVE to get out from under the backlog of tasks and projects that are hard to finish. If there's something you've been expecting yourself to "just do" that never gets to "done" the technique Coach Morgan is teaching today can change that for you. We'll explore how this technique can be used to conquer one-off tasks, and to catalyze important habits. Even the little things that seem like they should be (but aren't) easy to make yourself do can become more easily done, as well as more satisfying when they are completed. If your plate feels full of busywork or overwork, maybe it's time to make your work more rewarding.
October 21, 2024 @ 12pm Eastern (LIVE)
Say “NO” more (and feel great about it)
Join Coach @MorganHendrix LIVE to practice a strategy for saying NO more, feeling great about it, and increasing your bandwidth to say YES to what matters to you. We all say no eventually…and every YES we say to one thing is NO to something else. But are your NOs happening to you when you run out of steam? What is suffering because of those mis-aimed YESes? Today we're going to explore a mindset that allows you to say the kind of NO that frees you to wholeheartedly engage in relationships, professional and creative pursuits, and embrace your wild and brave life adventure.
October 28, 2024 @ 12pm Eastern (LIVE)
Make it Easier to Do Your Work
Join Coach @MorganHendrix LIVE to explore 3D Planning – a strategy for making complex prioritization lightweight and aerodynamic. Even when we can clearly identify our "top priorities," most of us still struggle to manage the mundane and moderately important demands alongside our top priorities. Just because something is "most important" doesn't mean we can forget about everything else. We need to learn to plan effectively, without our planning process taking so much time we cannot afford to do it. Planning in 3D is Coach Morgan's way of doing just that. If you'd like to try a quick weekly planning technique that can smooth out your workload, helping you get more of what matters done consistently, try 3D Planning.