Think Wild Book – Free Excerpt
What are Mental Growth Tactics?
It's easy to know when you're exercising your muscles. We grow the strength of our bodies by intelligent use and effective rest. The same goes for our mental faculties. Focus, clarity, joy, and wisdom are all fruit of mentally engaging the world around us.
In Think Wild, coach Morgan Hendrix shares twelve growth tactics designed to increase your mental skill and flexibility. We call them "tactics" because they are practical actions that can be taken to shift the experience you have and the results you achieve.
Some tactics in this book will help you reduce stress and anxiety. Others will help you enjoy life more. Some will help improve your memory and help you build wisdom. And others will help you get work done in flow.
Get your copy of Think Wild to learn all 12 Mental Growth Tactics, or start with a free excerpt to learn the first tactic from the book.
Preview Think Wild for Free
Download a free excerpt of coach Morgan Hendrix's new book - Think Wild. This PDF download includes one of the twelve mental growth tactics I share in the book. Mental Growth Tactic #1 is something I call "Escaping Thought Circles."
Some research suggests our inner dialogue runs the equivalent of 4,000 spoken words per minute. That means when we're thinking clearly and constructively, we can fly. But when noise, distraction, or concerns fill our thoughts, we fight a mental tornado.
This free excerpt shares a practical technique for escaping thought loops so our 4,000 word-per-minute thoughts can carry us forward instead of draining our energy.
I'd love to hear how this works for you. Email me anytime.

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Wild + Brave Coach. Ghostwriter. Author of Think Wild.
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