Guided Gratitude Reflection – 5 Minute Journaling Exercise
Guided Gratitude Reflection
Welcome to Wild + Brave, I’m coach Morgan. Today we’re doing a guided gratitude reflection. I’ll share some journaling prompts to prime your brain for noticing and savoring the things in your life that have made you stronger, healthier, happier, and more connected. Even writing down one answer to each question will boost your well being and increase your resilience.
If Your Extra Wild + Brave:
If you’re advanced with gratitude practice, you can take up the difficulty level of this exercise by pausing after each question and reflecting until you can give 10 answers to the prompt. For black belt level, dig in your brain until you find 20 answers to each question!
Of the Wild + Brave humans who I’ve done this exercise with, feedback has been unanimous…the answers that didn’t come quickly, the ones they had to wait and work for set off a cascade of energy and new perspective. I’m always shocked what shows up for number 8 or 9…number 16 and beyond tend to shift my perspective in lasting ways.
Let’s get started.
Start by taking a deep breath, and form a smile with your face as you exhale. Shake out your body and settle in with a scrap of paper or a journal, and dive in to question number 1:
1. What has brought you joy this year?
Think about experiences, people, things you’ve enjoyed or witnessed. They may be big or small. Momentary or ongoing. What has brought you joy this year?
Take a moment to write it down.
2. Who has come into your life and taught you something, helped you face a challenge, or walked beside you in some way?
It could be someone new, or someone you’ve known a long time but have connected with in a different way recently. Who has taught you something? Who has helped you face a challenge? Who walked with you?
Take a moment to write it down.
3. Where have you succeeded, finished something, or survived?
Maybe you got through a crisis, or completed a meaningful goal. Maybe you kept a promise to yourself or someone else. What has happened that’s worth celebrating?
Take a moment to write it down.
4. What has hurt you this year?
Pain carves into us, stress tests our limits, and disappointment can force us to rethink things large and small. This is not a time to put on a brave face or pretend “it’s all good.” But if you look at something that’s hurt you, can you find anything of value within the tough experience? Something meaningful, or useful, or deepening? What has hurt you this year, and what value can you find in it in some way?
Take a moment to write it down.
5. What are you hoping for in the near or distant future?
Whether you have goals, dreams, or unspoken wishes…what hopes live inside you? Sometimes we think we have to wait to achieve or receive something before we can be grateful for it. But the hope of something in itself is a powerful gift in your life. Turn discouragement or sadness around the things you’re longing for into energy for your heart by being grateful for the fingerprints that dream has left of your spirit.
Take a moment to write it down.
Wild + Brave Coach. Ghostwriter. Author of Think Wild.
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